我必须说,看起来 Grails 要让它正常工作还有很长的路要走。
任务 { }
将始终立即执行,因此在 dispatch() 或任何有问题的调用之前不会暂停调用。
public def test() {
def dataflowVar = new groovyx.gpars.dataflow.DataflowVariable()
task {
// do some calculation and resolve data flow variable
println '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
//dataflowVar << expensiveData
return new org.grails.async.factory.gpars.GparsPromise(dataflowVar);
如果你想知道这是为了什么,它是让 grails 中的 lesscss 自动刷新,当你在 less 中使用 import 语句时,这是一个问题。当文件被触动时,lesscss 编译器会触发重新编译,只有完成后才会响应客户端。
在客户端,我有一些 javascript 在这里使用刷新操作不断替换最后一个:
* Refreshes link resources. refresh?uri=/resource/in/web-app/such/as/empty.less
public def refresh() {
return LessRefresh.stackRequest(request, params.uri);
import grails.util.Environment
import grails.util.Holders
import javax.servlet.AsyncContext
import javax.servlet.AsyncEvent
import javax.servlet.AsyncListener
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
* @Author SecretService
class LessRefresh {
static final Map<String, LessRefresh> FILES = new LinkedHashMap<String, LessRefresh>();
String file;
Boolean touched
List<AsyncContext> asyncContexts = new ArrayList<AsyncContext>();
String text;
public LessRefresh(String file) {
this.file = file;
/** Each request will be put on hold in a stack until dispatchAll below is called when the recompilation of the less file finished **/
public static AsyncContext stackRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String file) {
if ( !LessRefresh.FILES[file] ) {
LessRefresh.FILES[file] = new LessRefresh(file);
return LessRefresh.FILES[file].handleRequest(request);
public AsyncContext handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
if ( Environment.current == Environment.DEVELOPMENT ) {
// We only touch it once since we are still waiting for the less compiler to finish from previous edits and recompilation
if ( !touched ) {
touched = true
AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync();
asyncContexts.add (asyncContext);
asyncContext.addListener(new AsyncListener() {
void onComplete(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException {
event.getSuppliedResponse().writer << text;
void onTimeout(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException {
void onError(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException {
void onStartAsync(AsyncEvent event) throws IOException {
return asyncContext;
return null;
/** When recompilation is done, dispatchAll is called from LesscssResourceMapper.groovy **/
public void dispatchAll(String text) {
this.text = text;
if ( asyncContexts ) {
// Process all
while ( asyncContexts.size() ) {
AsyncContext asyncContext = asyncContexts.remove(0);
touched = false;
/** A touch of the lessfile will trigger a recompilation **/
int count = 0;
void touchFile(String uri) {
if ( Environment.current == Environment.DEVELOPMENT ) {
File file = getWebappFile(uri);
if (file && file.exists() ) {
if ( count < 5000 ) {
file << ' ';
else {
count = 0
file.write( file.getText().trim() )
static File getWebappFile(String uri) {
new File( Holders.getServletContext().getRealPath( uri ) )
在 lesscsss-recources 插件的 LesscssResourceMapper.groovy 中:
try {
lessCompiler.compile input, target
// Update mapping entry
// We need to reference the new css file from now on
resource.processedFile = target
// Not sure if i really need these
resource.sourceUrlExtension = 'css'
resource.contentType = 'text/css'
resource.tagAttributes?.rel = 'stylesheet'
// ==========================================
// Call made here!
// ==========================================
LessRefresh.FILES[resource.sourceUrl.toString()]?.dispatchAll( target.getText() );
} catch (LessException e) {
log.error("error compiling less file: ${originalFile}", e)
在 index.gsp 文件中:
<g:set var="uri" value="${"${App.files.root}App/styles/empty.less"}"/>
<link media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${r.resource(uri:uri)}" refresh="${g.createLink(controller:'home', action:'refresh', params:[uri:uri])}" resource="true">
JavaScript 方法 refreshResources 替换之前的链接 href=...
* Should only be used in development mode
function refreshResources(o) {
o || (o = {});
var timeoutBegin = o.timeoutBegin || 1000;
var intervalRefresh = o.intervalRefresh || 1000;
var timeoutBlinkAvoid = o.timeoutBlinkAvoid || 400 ;
var maxErrors = o.maxErrors || 200 ;
var xpath = 'link[resource][type="text/css"]';
// Find all link[resource]
$(xpath).each(function(i, element) {
refresh( $(element) );
function refresh(element) {
var parent = element.parent();
var next = element.next();
var outer = element.clone().attr('href', '').wrap('<p>').parent().html();
var uri = element.attr('refresh');
var errorCount = 0;
function replaceLink() {
var link = $(outer);
link.load(function () {
// The link has been successfully added! Now remove the other ones, then do again
errorCount = 0;
// setTimeout needed to avoid blinking, we allow duplicates for a few milliseconds
setTimeout(function() {
var links = parent.find(xpath + '[refresh="'+uri+'"]');
var i = 0;
// Remove all but this one
while ( i < links.length - 1 ) {
}, timeoutBlinkAvoid );
link.error(function(event, handler) {
console.log('Error refreshing: ' + outer );
if ( errorCount < maxErrors ) {
// Load error, it happens. Remove this & redo!
else {
console.log('Refresh: Aborting!')
link.attr('href', urlRandom(uri)).get(0);
link.insertBefore(next); // Insert just after
function urlRandom(uri) {
return uri + "&rand=" + Math.random();
function replaceLinkTimeout() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, intervalRefresh ) ;
// Waith 1s before triggering the interval
setTimeout(function() {
}, timeoutBegin);
我不确定为什么没有将 Javascript样式的 promise添加到Grails 堆栈中。你不能在 onComplete 中渲染或类似的东西。渲染,重定向和不可用的东西。
有些东西告诉我,Grails 和 Promises/Futures 还没有。GPars 库的设计似乎没有考虑到稍后要解决的核心功能。至少这样做并不简单。
如果 dispatch() 方法实际上可以用一些参数调用以从解析上下文传递,那就太好了。我可以使用静态属性来解决这个问题。
我可能会继续编写自己的解决方案,并可能为 AsyncContext 类提供更合适的解决方案,但现在,这对我来说已经足够了。