我正在尝试使用喷雾在 Scala 中创建一个通用的 HTTP 客户端。这是类定义:

object HttpClient extends HttpClient

class HttpClient {

  implicit val system = ActorSystem("api-spray-client")
  import system.dispatcher
  val log = Logging(system, getClass)

  def httpSaveGeneric[T1:Marshaller,T2:Unmarshaller](uri: String, model: T1, username: String, password: String): Future[T2] = {
    val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[T2] = logRequest(log) ~> sendReceive ~> logResponse(log) ~> unmarshal[T2]
    pipeline(Post(uri, model))

  val genericResult = httpSaveGeneric[Space,Either[Failure,Success]](
    "http://", Space("123", IdName("456", "parent"), "my name", "short_name", Updated("", 0)), "user", "password")


对象utils.AllJsonFormats具有以下声明。它包含所有模型格式。在“另一端”使用相同的类,即我还编写了 API,并在那里使用了与 spray-can 和 spray-json 相同的格式化程序。

object AllJsonFormats
  extends DefaultJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport with MetaMarshallers with MetaToResponseMarshallers with NullOptions {

当然,该对象具有对 models.api.Space、models.api.Failure 和 models.api.Success 序列化的定义。

类型看起来不错,即当Space我告诉泛型方法它将接收并返回 aSpace时,没有错误。但是,一旦我将 Either 带入方法调用,就会出现以下编译器错误:

找不到 spray.httpx.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller[Either[models.api.Failure,models.api.Success]] 类型的证据参数的隐式值。

我的期望是spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol 中隐含的,即spray.json.StandardFormts 中的隐含内容,可以覆盖我。

以下是我的 HttpClient 类,尝试最好是通用的: 更新:更清晰/可重复的代码示例

object TestHttpFormats
  extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  // space formats
  implicit val idNameFormat = jsonFormat2(IdName)
  implicit val updatedByFormat = jsonFormat2(Updated)
  implicit val spaceFormat = jsonFormat17(Space)

  // either formats
  implicit val successFormat = jsonFormat1(Success)
  implicit val failureFormat = jsonFormat2(Failure)

object TestHttpClient
  extends SprayJsonSupport {

  import TestHttpFormats._
  import DefaultJsonProtocol.{eitherFormat => _, _ }

  val genericResult = HttpClient.httpSaveGeneric[Space,Either[Failure,Success]](
    "https://api.com/space", Space("123", IdName("456", "parent"), "my name", "short_name", Updated("", 0)), "user", "password")

有了上述,问题仍然出现在 unmarshaller 未解决的地方。帮助将不胜感激..



1 回答 1


Spray defines a default marshaller for Either[A,B] if a Marshaller[A] and Marshaller[B] are in defined scope inside the MetaMarshallers trait. But, going the other direction requires an Unmarshaller. You will need to define an in-scope Unmarshaller for Either[Failure, Success]. This cannot be coded without specific knowledge of the expected response and what the strategy will be for choosing whether to unmarshall a response as a Left or as a Right. For example, let's say you want to return a Failure on a non-200 response and a Success from a 200 json response body:

type ResultT = Either[Failure,Success]
implicit val resultUnmarshaller: FromResponseUnmarshaller[ResultT] = 
  new FromResponseUnmarshaller[ResultT] {
    def apply(response: HttpResponse): Deserialized[ResultT] = response.status match {
      case StatusCodes.Success(200) => 
      case _ => Right(Left(Failure(...)))


Looking deeper into this, the problem appears to be that the default eitherFormat in spray.json.StandardFormats is not a RootJsonFormat, which is required by the default JSON unmarshaller defined in spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport. Defining the following implicit method should solve the issue:

implicit def rootEitherFormat[A : RootJsonFormat, B : RootJsonFormat] = new RootJsonFormat[Either[A, B]] {
  val format = DefaultJsonProtocol.eitherFormat[A, B]

  def write(either: Either[A, B]) = format.write(either)

  def read(value: JsValue) = format.read(value)

I have an working example gist that hopefully explains how you would use this. https://gist.github.com/mikemckibben/fad4328de85a79a06bf3

于 2014-08-21T03:31:45.243 回答