我正在使用 zubrags PHP 水印脚本(附在下面),它工作得很好,除非我尝试使用 PNG-24 作为我的水印。生成的图像具有乱码、不透明的水印。我想知道是否有人可以帮助解释我需要在下面的脚本中进行哪些更改,以便将 PNG-24 作为正确的水印嵌入到图像上?我确实遇到过这篇文章:http ://www.benholmen.com/blog/2008/12/adding-png-watermarks-to-jpegs-with-php/其中提到了 PHP 的 imagealphablending() 函数用于 PNG- 24 支持。
class Zubrag_watermark {
var $offset_x = 0;
var $offset_y = 0;
var $quality = 100;
var $image_type = -1; // Image type: 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
var $force_image_type = -1; // Change image type? (-1 = same as original, 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG)
var $save_to_file = true;
function Zubrag_watermark($image_path='', $offset_x=0, $offset_y=0) {
$this->setOffset($offset_x, $offset_y);
function setImagePath($image_path) {
$this->image_path = $image_path;
function setOffset($x, $y) {
$this->offset_x = $x;
$this->offset_y = $y;
function ImageCreateFromType($type,$filename) {
$im = null;
switch ($type) {
case 1:
$im = ImageCreateFromGif($filename);
case 2:
$im = ImageCreateFromJpeg($filename);
case 3:
$im = ImageCreateFromPNG($filename);
return $im;
function ApplyWatermark($watermark_path) {
$this->watermark_path = $watermark_path;
// Determine image size and type
$size = getimagesize($this->image_path);
$size_x = $size[0];
$size_y = $size[1];
$image_type = $size[2]; // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
// load source image
$image = $this->ImageCreateFromType($image_type, $this->image_path);
// Determine watermark size and type
$wsize = getimagesize($watermark_path);
$watermark_x = $wsize[0];
$watermark_y = $wsize[1];
$watermark_type = $wsize[2]; // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
// load watermark
$watermark = $this->ImageCreateFromType($watermark_type, $watermark_path);
// where do we put watermark on the image?
$dest_x = $size_x - $watermark_x - $this->offset_x;
$dest_y = $size_y - $watermark_y - $this->offset_y;
imagealphablending($image, true);
imagecopymerge($image, $watermark, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 100);
$this->image = &$image;
$this->watermark = &$watermark;
$this->image_type = $image_type;
} // ApplyWatermark
function OutputImageInternal($filename='') {
$im = &$this->image;
$res = null;
$image_type = ($this->force_image_type != -1 ? $this->force_image_type : $this->image_type);
// ImageGIF is not included into some GD2 releases, so it might not work
// output png if gifs are not supported
if(($image_type == 1) && !function_exists('imagegif')) $image_type = 3;
switch ($image_type) {
case 1:
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImageGIF($im,$filename);
else {
header("Content-type: image/gif");
$res = ImageGIF($im);
case 2:
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImageJPEG($im,$filename,$this->quality);
else {
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$res = ImageJPEG($im, NULL, $this->quality);
case 3:
if (PHP_VERSION >= '5.1.2') {
// Convert to PNG quality.
// PNG quality: 0 (best quality, bigger file) to 9 (worst quality, smaller file)
$quality = 9 - min( round($this->quality / 10), 9 );
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImagePNG($im, $filename, $quality);
else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
$res = ImagePNG($im, NULL, $quality);
else {
if ($this->save_to_file) {
$res = ImagePNG($im, $filename);
else {
header("Content-type: image/png");
$res = ImagePNG($im);
return $res;
function Output($type = -1) {
$this->force_image_type = $type;
$this->save_to_file = false;
function SaveAsFile($filename, $type = -1) {
$this->force_image_type = $type;
$this->save_to_file = true;
function Free() {