I am running PHP 5.5.11. In my php.ini I have

error_reporting = E_ALL

My code uses spl_autoload_register() to register an autoloader. When I load a page I get a blank white page. I get an error in the log that Foo can not be found. Foo is defined in my autoloader. Here is the basic structure:

index.inc calls a method on A. That method calls a method on B. B extends C. C uses a class constant of Foo ( Foo::LEVEL ). It seems that it is the parsing of the class constant that is causing the error. I can fix this if I go ahead and load Foo at the top of index.inc by calling:

$oTrash = new Foo();

I can also get rid of the issue by changing my php.ini to:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT

The fatal I am getting is not a strict mode error. I don't understand the impact that E_STRICT is having on the processing of my code.


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