我对目标 C 中的简单 AES 128 感到很生气,并且无法在简单的测试中获得预期的密文。谁能告诉我我做错了什么?
- (void)testAES128_1
NSString *testVector = @"6bc1bee22e409f96e93d7e117393172a";
NSString *initVector = @"000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F";
NSString *key = @"2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c";
NSString *expected = @"7649abac8119b246cee98e9b12e9197d";
NSData *inputData = [self dataFromHexString:testVector];
NSData *keyData = [self dataFromHexString:key];
NSData *expectedData = [self dataFromHexString:expected];
NSData *current = [inputData AES128EncryptWithIV:initVector andKey:key];
// What I get in current = cf2ea38a123be20765eb8c5c56caf224 != expected
BOOL res = [inputData isEqualToData:current];
// For Converting incoming HexString into NSData
- (NSData *)dataFromHexString:(NSString *)string
NSMutableData *stringData = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
unsigned char whole_byte;
char byte_chars[3] = {'\0','\0','\0'};
int i;
for (i=0; i < [string length] / 2; i++) {
byte_chars[0] = [string characterAtIndex:i*2];
byte_chars[1] = [string characterAtIndex:i*2+1];
whole_byte = strtol(byte_chars, NULL, 16);
[stringData appendBytes:&whole_byte length:1];
return stringData;
类别 NSData (AES):
- (NSData *)AES128EncryptWithIV:(NSString *)iv andKey:(NSString *)key {
char ivPtr[kCCKeySizeAES128 + 1];
bzero(ivPtr, sizeof(ivPtr));
// fetch iv data
[iv getCString:ivPtr maxLength:sizeof(ivPtr) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
char keyPtr[kCCKeySizeAES128+1]; // room for terminator (unused)
bzero(keyPtr, sizeof(keyPtr)); // fill with zeroes (for padding)
// fetch key data
[key getCString:keyPtr maxLength:sizeof(keyPtr) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSUInteger dataLength = [self length];
//See the doc: For block ciphers, the output size will always be less than or
//equal to the input size plus the size of one block.
//That's why we need to add the size of one block here
size_t bufferSize = dataLength + kCCBlockSizeAES128;
void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
size_t numBytesEncrypted = 0;
CCCryptorStatus cryptStatus = CCCrypt(kCCEncrypt, kCCAlgorithmAES128, 0,
keyPtr, kCCKeySizeAES128,
ivPtr /* initialization vector (optional) */,
[self bytes], dataLength, /* input */
buffer, bufferSize, /* output */
if (cryptStatus == kCCSuccess) {
//the returned NSData takes ownership of the buffer and will free it on deallocation
return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:numBytesEncrypted];
free(buffer); //free the buffer;
return nil;
我正在使用这些 AES 测试向量集:http: //www.inconteam.com/software-development/41-encryption/55-aes-test-vectors#aes-cbc-128