如果您已经在使用 Kotlin Gradle DSL,那么以这种方式使用它的替代方法:
|----- app
|--------- libs // I choose to store the aar here
|-------------- my-libs-01.aar
|-------------- my-libs-02.jar
|--------- build.gradle.kts // app module gradle
|----- common-libs // another aar folder/directory
|----------------- common-libs-01.aar
|----------------- common-libs-02.jar
|----- build.gradle.kts // root gradle
- 使用简单的方法
// android related config above omitted...
dependencies {
// you can do this to include everything in the both directory
// Inside ./root/common-libs & ./root/app/libs
implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar", "*.aar"))))
implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "../common-libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar", "*.aar"))))
- 使用相同的方法,例如从本地/远程 Maven 存储库中获取
// android related config above omitted...
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs = mutableSetOf(File("libs"), File("../common-libs")
dependencies {
implementation(group = "", name = "my-libs-01", ext = "aar")
implementation(group = "", name = "my-libs-02", ext = "jar")
implementation(group = "", name = "common-libs-01", ext = "aar")
implementation(group = "", name = "common-libs-02", ext = "jar")
,因为它在 kotlin 中是强制性的(不是可选的/具有默认值)implementation
// Filename: ReleaseImplementationConfigurationAccessors.kt
package org.gradle.kotlin.dsl
fun DependencyHandler.`releaseImplementation`(
group: String,
name: String,
version: String? = null,
configuration: String? = null,
classifier: String? = null,
ext: String? = null,
dependencyConfiguration: Action<ExternalModuleDependency>? = null
免责声明:使用 1 号和flatDirs
2 号方法的区别,我仍然不太了解,您可能想编辑/评论这个答案。
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/56828958/3763032
- https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/9272