
public static Func<SomeType, bool> GetQuery() {
 return a => a.Foo=="Bar";


public static Func<T, bool> GetQuery<T>() {
 return (Func<T,bool>)GetQuery();

有没有办法将 SomeType 的强类型 Func 转换为 T 的 Func?到目前为止,我发现的唯一方法是尝试将它与模拟函数结合起来:

Func<T, bool> q=a => true;
return (Func<T, bool>)Delegate.Combine(GetQuery(), q);

我知道如何使用 Expression.Lambda,但我需要使用普通函数,而不是表达式树

编辑 - 使用 .net 3.5 使用 Matthews 示例,并提供明确的使用细节。

我仍然追求的是在返回值时如何从 Func Of concreteType 到 Func Of T 。

我只是想克服编译器错误 - 并且很高兴 T 有可能成为不同的类型并引发运行时错误。

public interface ISecureEntity {
 Func<T,bool> SecureFunction<T>(UserAccount user);

public class Product : ISecureEntity {
 public Func<T,bool> SecureFunction<T>(UserAccount user) {
  return (Func<T,bool>)SecureFunction(user); //this is an invalid cast
 public static Func<Product,bool> SecureFunction(UserAccount user) {
  return f => f.OwnerId==user.AccountId;
 public string Name { get;set; }
 public string OwnerId { get;set; }

public class ProductDetail : ISecureEntity {
 public Func<T,bool> SecureFunction<T>(UserAccount user) {
  return (Func<T,bool>)SecureFunction(user); //this is an invalid cast
 public static Func<ProductDetail,bool> SecureFunction(UserAccount user) {
  return pd => Product.SecureFunction(user)(pd.ParentProduct);
 public int DetailId { get;set; }
 public string DetailText { get;set; }
 public Product ParentProduct { get;set; }


public IList<T> GetData<T>() {
 IList<T> data=null;
 Func<T,bool> query=GetSecurityQuery<T>();
 using(var context=new Context()) {
  var d=context.GetGenericEntitySet<T>().Where(query);
 return data;
private Func<T,bool> GetSecurityQuery<T>() where T : new() {
  var instanceOfT = new T();
        if (typeof(Entities.ISecuredEntity).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))) {
            return ((Entities.ISecuredEntity)instanceOfT).SecurityQuery<T>(GetCurrentUser());
        return a => true; //returning a dummy query

2 回答 2



public interface IFoo
    string Foo { get; set; }
public static Func<T, bool> GetQuery<T>()
    where T : IFoo
    return i => i.Foo == "Bar";
// example...
public class SomeType : IFoo
    public string Foo { get; set; }
public static Func<SomeType, bool> GetQuery()
    return GetQuery<SomeType>();
于 2010-03-15T18:54:15.600 回答



为了使用能够从现有表达式(某种子表达式)传入变量的表达式,我使用了 LinqKit.Invoke。


public interface ISecureEntity {
 Func<T,bool> SecureFunction<T>(UserAccount user);

public class Product : ISecureEntity {
 public Expression<Func<T,bool>> SecureFunction<T>(UserAccount user) {
  return SecureFunction(user) as Expression<Func<T,bool>>; 
 public static Expression<Func<Product,bool>> SecureFunction(UserAccount user) {
  return f => f.OwnerId==user.AccountId;
 public string Name { get;set; }
 public string OwnerId { get;set; }

public class ProductDetail : ISecureEntity {
 public Expression<Func<T,bool>> SecureFunction<T>(UserAccount user) {
  return SecureFunction(user) as Expression<Func<T,bool>>; 
 public static Func<ProductDetail,bool> SecureFunction(UserAccount user) {
  return pd => Product.SecureFunction(user).Invoke(pd.ParentProduct);
 public int DetailId { get;set; }
 public string DetailText { get;set; }
 public Product ParentProduct { get;set; }


public IList<T> GetData<T>() {
 IList<T> data=null;
 Expression<Func<T,bool>> query=GetSecurityQuery<T>();
 using(var context=new Context()) {
  var d=context.GetGenericEntitySet<T>().Where(query);
 return data;
private Expression<Func<T,bool>> GetSecurityQuery<T>() where T : new() {
  var instanceOfT = new T();
        if (typeof(Entities.ISecuredEntity).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))) {
            return ((Entities.ISecuredEntity)instanceOfT).SecurityQuery<T>(GetCurrentUser());
        return a => true; //returning a dummy query
于 2010-03-18T13:15:43.673 回答