它也可能不是最优化的解决方案,但它比@omotto 提出的解决方案快大约十倍,并且它只使用基本的 numpy 函数(如 reshape、expand_dims、tile ......)并且没有“for”循环:
def gen_idx_conv1d(in_size, ker_size):
Generates a list of indices. This indices correspond to the indices
of a 1D input tensor on which we would like to apply a 1D convolution.
For instance, with a 1D input array of size 5 and a kernel of size 3, the
1D convolution product will successively looks at elements of indices [0,1,2],
[1,2,3] and [2,3,4] in the input array. In this case, the function idx_conv1d(5,3)
outputs the following array: array([0,1,2,1,2,3,2,3,4]).
in_size: (type: int) size of the input 1d array.
ker_size: (type: int) kernel size.
idx_list: (type: np.array) list of the successive indices of the 1D input array
access to the 1D convolution algorithm.
>>> gen_idx_conv1d(in_size=5, ker_size=3)
array([0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4])
f = lambda dim1, dim2, axis: np.reshape(np.tile(np.expand_dims(np.arange(dim1),axis),dim2),-1)
out_size = in_size-ker_size+1
return f(ker_size, out_size, 0)+f(out_size, ker_size, 1)
def repeat_idx_2d(idx_list, nbof_rep, axis):
Repeats an array of indices (idx_list) a number of time (nbof_rep) "along" an axis
(axis). This function helps to browse through a 2d array of size
idx_list: (type: np.array or list) a 1D array of indices.
nbof_rep: (type: int) number of repetition.
axis: (type: int) axis "along" which the repetition will be applied.
idx_list: (type: np.array) a 1D array of indices of size len(idx_list)*nbof_rep.
>>> a = np.array([0, 1, 2])
>>> repeat_idx_2d(a, 3, 0) # repeats array 'a' 3 times along 'axis' 0
array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2])
>>> repeat_idx_2d(a, 3, 1) # repeats array 'a' 3 times along 'axis' 1
array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
>>> b = np.reshape(np.arange(3*4), (3,4))
>>> b[repeat_idx_2d(np.arange(3), 4, 0), repeat_idx_2d(np.arange(4), 3, 1)]
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11])
assert axis in [0,1], "Axis should be equal to 0 or 1."
tile_axis = (nbof_rep,1) if axis else (1,nbof_rep)
return np.reshape(np.tile(np.expand_dims(idx_list, 1),tile_axis),-1)
def conv2d(im, ker):
Performs a 'valid' 2D convolution on an image. The input image may be
a 2D or a 3D array.
The output image first two dimensions will be reduced depending on the
convolution size.
The kernel may be a 2D or 3D array. If 2D, it will be applied on every
channel of the input image. If 3D, its last dimension must match the
image one.
im: (type: np.array) image (2D or 3D).
ker: (type: np.array) convolution kernel (2D or 3D).
im: (type: np.array) convolved image.
>>> im = np.reshape(np.arange(10*10*3),(10,10,3))/(10*10*3) # 3D image
>>> ker = np.array([[0,1,0],[-1,0,1],[0,-1,0]]) # 2D kernel
>>> conv2d(im, ker) # 3D array of shape (8,8,3)
if len(im.shape)==2: # it the image is a 2D array, it is reshaped by expanding the last dimension
im = np.expand_dims(im,-1)
im_x, im_y, im_w = im.shape
if len(ker.shape)==2: # if the kernel is a 2D array, it is reshaped so it will be applied to all of the image channels
ker = np.tile(np.expand_dims(ker,-1),[1,1,im_w]) # the same kernel will be applied to all of the channels
assert ker.shape[-1]==im.shape[-1], "Kernel and image last dimension must match."
ker_x = ker.shape[0]
ker_y = ker.shape[1]
# shape of the output image
out_x = im_x - ker_x + 1
out_y = im_y - ker_y + 1
# reshapes the image to (out_x, ker_x, out_y, ker_y, im_w)
idx_list_x = gen_idx_conv1d(im_x, ker_x) # computes the indices of a 1D conv (cf. idx_conv1d doc)
idx_list_y = gen_idx_conv1d(im_y, ker_y)
idx_reshaped_x = repeat_idx_2d(idx_list_x, len(idx_list_y), 0) # repeats the previous indices to be used in 2D (cf. repeat_idx_2d doc)
idx_reshaped_y = repeat_idx_2d(idx_list_y, len(idx_list_x), 1)
im_reshaped = np.reshape(im[idx_reshaped_x, idx_reshaped_y, :], [out_x, ker_x, out_y, ker_y, im_w]) # reshapes
# reshapes the 2D kernel
ker = np.reshape(ker,[1, ker_x, 1, ker_y, im_w])
# applies the kernel to the image and reduces the dimension back to the one of original input image
return np.squeeze(np.sum(im_reshaped*ker, axis=(1,3)))
我试图添加很多注释来解释该方法,但总体思路是将 3D 输入图像重塑为 5D 形状(output_image_height、kernel_height、output_image_width、kernel_width、output_image_channel),然后使用基本的直接应用内核数组乘法。当然,这种方法会使用更多内存(在执行过程中,图像的大小因此乘以 kernel_height*kernel_width)但速度更快。
为了完成这个重塑步骤,我“过度使用”了 numpy 数组的索引方法,特别是,将 numpy 数组作为索引提供给 numpy 数组的可能性。
这种方法也可用于使用基本数学函数在 Pytorch 或 Tensorflow 中重新编码 2D 卷积乘积,但我毫不怀疑它会比现有的 nn.conv2d 运算符慢...
我真的很喜欢只使用 numpy 基本工具来编写这种方法。