我正在尝试使用 d3.js 创建烛台图,效果很好,但我无法解决问题。我确信它被覆盖在某个地方,但我找不到它。
如您所见,真正的 x 轴是时间值,即纪元时间(自 70 年 1 月 1 日以来的秒数)。我需要它使用这些秒来正确格式化图表,但我希望 x 轴标有“日期”值而不是秒。使用此代码,绘图很棒,但 x 轴只是一长串数字(相互覆盖的秒数)。
我怎样才能让它在几秒钟内完成计算,但在 x 轴上显示日期。
这是一个带有嵌入数据的自包含 html 文件。只需剪切并粘贴到磁盘上的 index.html 中,然后双击。
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
var xs;
var ys;
var base_width = 960;
var base_height = 600;
var x_min;
var x_max;
var y_min;
var y_max;
var barWidth;
var candleWidth;
var xAxis;
var yAxis;
var margin = {top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 40};
function getYLow (d)
return ys (d.Low);
function getYHigh (d)
return ys (d.High);
function getYOC (d)
var yOpen = ys (d.Open);
var yClose = ys (d.Close);
if (yOpen < yClose)
return yOpen;
return yClose;
function getYHeight (d)
var yHeight = ys (d.Open) - ys (d.Close);
if (yHeight < 0)
yHeight *= -1;
return yHeight;
function getX (d)
// offset by half the width of my candlestick rectangle
// but centered on the actual time
var x = xs (d.Time) - (candleWidth / 2.0);
return x;
function getXActual (d)
var x = xs (d.Time);
return x;
function getColor (d)
// I want the candlestick to be green if it closed higher
// then the open otherwise it should be red
if (d.Close > d.Open)
return "green";
return "red";
function load ()
// load the data and create the chart
width = base_width - margin.left - margin.right,
height = base_height - margin.top - margin.bottom;
ys = d3.scale.linear ().range ([height, 0]);
xs = d3.scale.linear ().range ([0, width]);
var svg = d3.select ("body").append ("svg")
.attr ("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr ("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
.style ("background-color", "black")
.append ("g")
.attr ("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
y_min = d3.min (data, function (d) { return d.Low; });
y_max = d3.max (data, function (d) { return d.High; });
x_min = data [0].Time;
x_max = data [data.length - 1].Time;
// offset min and max by 1 day to give some margin so the candlestick
// rectangle stays on the chart and does not cross the axis
x_min = +x_min - 86400;
x_max = +x_max + 86400;
ys.domain ([y_min, y_max]);
xs.domain ([x_min, x_max]);
// this is the actual width of 1 day (1 bar)
barWidth = xs (+x_min + 86400) - xs (+x_min);
// the candle should be 75% the width of the day
candleWidth = barWidth * 0.75;
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
.attr("stroke", "white")
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("stroke", "white")
svg.selectAll (".candle_bar")
.data (data)
.enter ().append ("rect")
.attr ("class", "candle_bar")
.attr ("x", getX)
.attr ("y", getYOC)
.attr ("height", getYHeight)
.attr ("width", candleWidth)
.attr ("fill", getColor);
svg.selectAll ("candle_hl")
.data (data)
.enter ().append ("svg:line")
.attr ("x1", getXActual)
.attr ("y1", getYLow)
.attr ("x2", getXActual)
.attr ("y2", getYHigh)
.style ("stroke", getColor);
// for plotting an sma and ema line
var line_sma = d3.svg.line ().x (function (d, i) { return xs (d.YDay); })
.y (function (d, i) { return ys (d.SMA); });
svg.append ("path")
.attr ("d", line_sma (data))
.attr ("stroke", "white")
.attr ("fill", "none");
var line_ema = d3.svg.line ().x (function (d, i) { return xs (d.YDay); })
.y (function (d, i) { return ys (d.EMA); });
svg.append ("path")
.attr ("d", line_ema (data))
.attr ("stroke", "orange")
.attr ("fill", "none");
function type (d)
d.Time = +d.Time;
d.Open = +d.Open;
d.High = +d.High;
d.Low = +d.Low;
d.Close = +d.Close;
d.SMA = +d.SMA;
d.EMA = +d.EMA;
return d;
$( document ).ready (load);
var data = [