I need to create some queries and these queries will be used to create graphs in a dashboard. The queries are a lot of calculations and are nonpersistent classes.

First I created the class and only about this I have HPerformance_ListView and HPerformance_DetailView but I don't have a data provider to populate it. The system tries to populate it from EF context, that is not possible.

public class HPerformance
    public decimal Valor { get; set; }
    public decimal Meta { get; set; }
    public decimal Percentual { get; set; }

And the query class

public class MetasVendas
    public MetasVendas()
        fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
        toDate = DateTime.Now;
        revenda = 0;

    public DateTime fromDate { get; set; }
    public DateTime toDate { get; set; }
    public long revenda { get; set; }

    public BindingList<HPerformance> _hPerformance()
        var r = _calculoMetaEValor();

        var rr = r.GroupBy(g => true).Select(s => new HPerformance()
            Valor = s.Sum(v => v.TotalUSacess + v.TotalUSradio),
            Meta = s.Sum(v => v.Meta),
            Percentual = s.Sum(vv => vv.TotalUSacess + vv.TotalUSradio) / s.Sum(vv => vv.Meta)

        return new BindingList<HPerformance>(rr.ToList());

In the dashboard controller this is the code that I don't know how to handle. My example doesn't work

public partial class DashboardDealerGoalExecute : ViewController<DashboardView>
    void parametersViewItem_ControlCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DashboardViewItem viewItem = (DashboardViewItem)sender;

        if (viewItem.Id == "HPerformance")
            ListView _hPerformance = (ListView)viewItem.InnerView;

            if (parameters != null && parameters.Dealer != null)
                BindingList<HPerformance> hp =
                    new MetasVendas()
                        fromDate = parameters.FromDate,
                        toDate = parameters.ToDate,
                        revenda = parameters.Dealer.ID
                _hPerformance.CurrentObject = hp;

HPerformance is a dashboard item and is connected to HPerformance class (1st code). How do I setup HPerformance_ListView to be populated by _hPerformance() method?

Thanks, Marco Castro


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