我需要能够使用特定凭据从 Mono 访问 Samba/Cifs 共享。

到目前为止,我发现的最佳选择是使用 libsmbclient。不幸的是,我无法对其进行身份验证。为了排除防火墙/安全/等,我尝试使用smbclient可以毫无问题地连接的可执行文件。

低级 DLLImport 东西和一些用于测试的硬编码凭据...

public static void Initialise() {
    log.Trace("Initialising libsmbclient wrapper");
    try {
        smbc_init(callbackAuth, 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.Trace(String.Format("{0}: {1}", e.GetType().Name, e.ToString()));

public static void callbackAuth(
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String server,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String share,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String workgroup, int workgroupMaxLen,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String username, int usernameMaxLen,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String password, int passwordMaxLen) {
    server = "targetserver";
    share = "Public";
    username = "Management.Service";
    password = @"{SomeComplexPassword}";
    workgroup = "targetserver";
    usernameMaxLen = username.Length;
    passwordMaxLen = password.Length;
    workgroupMaxLen = workgroup.Length;

[DllImport("libsmbclient.so", SetLastError = true)]
extern internal static int smbc_init(smbCGetAuthDataFn callBackAuth, int debug);

[DllImport("libsmbclient.so", SetLastError = true)]
extern internal static int smbc_opendir([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String durl);


public bool DirectoryExists(string path) {
    log.Trace("Checking directory exists {0}", path);
    int handle;
    string fullpath = @"smb:" + parseUNCPath(path);
    handle = SambaWrapper.smbc_opendir(fullpath);
    if (handle < 0) {
    var error = Stdlib.GetLastError().ToString();
        if (error == "ENOENT"
           |error == "EINVAL")
            return false;
            throw new Exception(error);
    } else {
    return true;


Slurpy.Exceptions.FetchException:异常:无法获取:EACCES >(file:////targetserver/Public/ValidSubfolder)---> System.Exception:EACCES


编辑:问题似乎是来自 auth 回调的值没有效果(但回调肯定被调用为处理日志语句)。我想知道这是否与字符串的不变性和使用新值创建的新字符串实例而不是覆盖旧值有关?

编辑: libsmbclient 尝试连接的完整调试输出已删除。如果需要,您可以在编辑历史记录中看到它。


/**@ingroup misc
 * Initialize the samba client library.
 * Must be called before using any of the smbclient API function
 * @param fn        The function that will be called to obtaion 
 *                  authentication credentials.
 * @param debug     Allows caller to set the debug level. Can be
 *                  changed in smb.conf file. Allows caller to set
 *                  debugging if no smb.conf.
 * @return          0 on success, < 0 on error with errno set:
 *                  - ENOMEM Out of memory
 *                  - ENOENT The smb.conf file would not load

int smbc_init(smbc_get_auth_data_fn fn, int debug);

/**@ingroup callback
 * Authentication callback function type (traditional method)
 * Type for the the authentication function called by the library to
 * obtain authentication credentals
 * For kerberos support the function should just be called without
 * prompting the user for credentials. Which means a simple 'return'
 * should work. Take a look at examples/libsmbclient/get_auth_data_fn.h
 * and examples/libsmbclient/testbrowse.c.
 * @param srv       Server being authenticated to
 * @param shr       Share being authenticated to
 * @param wg        Pointer to buffer containing a "hint" for the
 *                  workgroup to be authenticated.  Should be filled in
 *                  with the correct workgroup if the hint is wrong.
 * @param wglen     The size of the workgroup buffer in bytes
 * @param un        Pointer to buffer containing a "hint" for the
 *                  user name to be use for authentication. Should be
 *                  filled in with the correct workgroup if the hint is
 *                  wrong.
 * @param unlen     The size of the username buffer in bytes
 * @param pw        Pointer to buffer containing to which password 
 *                  copied
 * @param pwlen     The size of the password buffer in bytes
typedef void (*smbc_get_auth_data_fn)(const char *srv, 
                                      const char *shr,
                                      char *wg, int wglen, 
                                      char *un, int unlen,
                                      char *pw, int pwlen);

1 回答 1


您的回调被 libsmbclient 调用,它从非托管代码传递缓冲区及其长度,期望您填充用户名和密码。由于此分配的内存由调用方控制,因此您不能使用 string 或 stringbuilder。我建议使用 IntPtr,并在可能的最低级别填充缓冲区。

(另一方面,server 和 share 是只读字符串,预计不会更改,因此我们可以将它们保留为字符串)。

public static void callbackAuth(
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String server,
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]String share,
    IntPtr workgroup, int workgroupMaxLen,
    IntPtr username, int usernameMaxLen,
    IntPtr password, int passwordMaxLen) 
    //server = "targetserver";
    //share = "Public"; 
    // should not be assigned - 
    // you must provide credentials for specified server

    SetString(username, "Management.Service", username.Length);
    SetString(password, @"{SomeComplexPassword}", password.Length);
    SetString(workgroup, "targetserver", workgroup.Length);

private void SetString(IntPtr dest, string str, int maxLen)
    // include null string terminator
    byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str + "\0");
    if (buffer.Length >= maxLen) return; // buffer is not big enough

    Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, dest, buffer.Length);
于 2014-07-01T13:49:02.857 回答