我开始使用 FubuMVC,我有一个简单的 Customer -> Order 关系,我正在尝试使用嵌套的部分显示。我的域对象如下:

public class Customer
    private readonly IList<Order> orders = new List<Order>();

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Order> Orders
        get { return orders; }

    public void AddOrder(Order order)

public class Order
    public string Reference { get; set; }


public class CustomersController
    public IndexViewModel Index(IndexInputModel inputModel)
        var customer1 = new Customer { Name = "John Smith" };
        customer1.AddOrder(new Order { Reference = "ABC123" });

        return new IndexViewModel { Customers = new[] { customer1 } };

public class IndexInputModel

public class IndexViewModel
    public IEnumerable<Customer> Customers { get; set; }

public class IndexView : FubuPage<IndexViewModel>

public class CustomerPartial : FubuControl<Customer>

public class OrderPartial : FubuControl<Order>

IndexView.aspx:(修剪标准的 html 内容)

    <%= this.PartialForEach(x => x.Customers).Using<CustomerPartial>() %>


<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="FubuDemo.Controllers.Customers.CustomerPartial" %>
    Name: <%= this.DisplayFor(x => x.Name) %> <br />    
    Orders: (<%= Model.Orders.Count() %>) <br />

    <%= this.PartialForEach(x => x.Orders).Using<OrderPartial>() %>


<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="FubuDemo.Controllers.Customers.OrderPartial" %>
    Order <br />
    Ref: <%= this.DisplayFor(x => x.Reference) %>


Customer Name: John Smith 
Orders: (1) 

似乎在 CustomerPartial.ascx 中,执行 Model.Orders.Count() 正确地选择了存在 1 个订单。但是 PartialForEach(x => x.Orders) 没有,因为没有为订单呈现任何内容。如果我在 Order 构造函数上设置断点,我会看到它最初被 CustomersController 上的 Index 方法调用,但随后被 FubuMVC.Core.Models.StandardModelBinder.Bind 调用,因此它被 FubuMVC 重新实例化,并且丢失 Orders 集合的内容。

这不是我所期望的,我认为 PartialForEach 只会将域对象直接传递给部分。我在某处错过了重点吗?在 Fubu 中实现这种结果的“正确”方法是什么?

更新:如果有帮助,这是第一次点击 Order 构造函数时堆栈跟踪的前几行:

at FubuDemo.Customer..ctor()
at FubuDemo.Controllers.Customers.CustomersController.Index(IndexInputModel inputModel)
at lambda_method(ExecutionScope , CustomersController , IndexInputModel )
at FubuMVC.Core.Behaviors.OneInOneOutActionInvoker`3.performInvoke()

And the second time:

at FubuDemo.Customer..ctor()
at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceImpl(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks, Boolean fillCache)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
at FubuMVC.Core.Models.StandardModelBinder.Bind(Type type, IBindingContext context)
at FubuMVC.Core.Runtime.ObjectResolver.BindModel(Type type, IBindingContext context)
at FubuMVC.Core.Runtime.ObjectResolver.BindModel(Type type, IRequestData data)
at FubuMVC.Core.Diagnostics.RecordingObjectResolver.BindModel(Type type, IRequestData data)
at FubuMVC.Core.Runtime.FubuRequest.<>c__DisplayClass2.<.ctor>b__0(Type type)
at FubuMVC.Core.Util.Cache`2.Retrieve(KEY key)
at FubuMVC.Core.Util.Cache`2.get_Item(KEY key)
at FubuMVC.Core.Runtime.FubuRequest.Get[T]()

1 回答 1



PartialForEach does not new up new models, it passes the models you pass (i.e. x.Orders).

It looks like the problem you're facing is because you did not add ".Using" in your CustomerPartial.ascx

In CustomerPartial.ascx, change

<%= this.PartialForEach(x => x.Orders) %>


<%= this.PartialForEach(x => x.Orders).Using<OrderPartial>() %>

于 2010-03-15T15:28:13.710 回答