我有几个用于 AJAX 查询的 PHP 脚本,但我希望它们能够在 Joomla 的身份验证系统的保护下运行。以下安全吗?有没有不必要的线路?
joomla-auth.php(与 Joomla 的 index.php 位于同一目录中):
define( '_JEXEC', 1 );
define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(__FILE__));
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'defines.php' );
require_once ( JPATH_BASE .DS.'includes'.DS.'framework.php' );
/* Create the Application */
$mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication('site');
/* Make sure we are logged in at all. */
if (JFactory::getUser()->id == 0)
die("Access denied: login required.");
include 'joomla-auth.php';
echo 'Logged in as "' . JFactory::getUser()->username . '"';
/* We then proceed to access things only the user
of that name has access to. */