编辑:问题与 Timer 或 HttpServer 无关,它是 dart.io sleep 功能暂停一切。它在文档中明确描述,我的错。
我在 HttpClient 在服务器代码中工作时遇到了奇怪的问题。我打电话
client.getUrl(Uri.parse(url)).then((HttpClientRequest response) => response.close()).then(HttpBodyHandler.processResponse).then((HttpClientResponseBody body) {
来自 Timer 对象,它永远不会到达打印步骤。它几乎是以前版本的复制和粘贴代码,不是从 Timer 调用的,而是从 HttpRequest 调用的。工作代码在我的问题 [这里][1] 中。它在长线上失败了,我怀疑这是它永远无法到达的最后一个未来(HttpClientResponseBody)。
Timer 对象是这样创建的(只是测试代码):
main() {
t = new Timer.periodic(new Duration(minutes: period), (Timer t) => hit());
void hit() {
if (new DateTime.now().hour == 17) {
print("syncing rock");
loadUrlBody(furl + filter).then((content) {
print("content loaded");
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';
import 'package:slack/slack_io.dart' as slack;
Timer t;
bool check;
final period = 1;
final furl = "https://****.tpondemand.com";
final filter = "somefilter";
main() {
t = new Timer.periodic(new Duration(minutes: period), (Timer t) => hit());
void hit() {
if (new DateTime.now().hour == 17) {
print("syncing rock");
loadUrlBody(furl + filter).then((content) {
print("content loaded");
Map parsedMap = content.body;
sleep(new Duration(minutes: 60));
} else {
print("no time to rock " + new DateTime.now().toString());
sleep(new Duration(minutes: period * 10));
Future loadUrlBody(String url) {
final c = new Completer();
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.addCredentials(Uri.parse("https://****.tpondemand.com/api"), "tprealm", new HttpClientBasicCredentials("user", "password"));
client.getUrl(Uri.parse(url)).then((HttpClientRequest response) => response.close()).then(HttpBodyHandler.processResponse).then((HttpClientResponseBody body) {
return c.future;
void send2Slack(String m) {
slack.Message message = new slack.Message()..text = m;
slack.token = 'token';
slack.team = 'team';
void handleMap(Map valueMap) {
final Duration lostInTime = new Duration(days: 30);
var sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write('K o m p o s t \n');
for (var item in valueMap["Items"]) {
if (item['CreateDate'] == null) item['CreateDate'] = '/Date(1403167885000+0100)/';
if (item['ModifyDate'] == null) item['ModifyDate'] = '/Date(1403167885000+0100)/';
if (item['LastCommentDate'] == null) item['LastCommentDate'] = '/Date(1403167885000+0100)/';
DateTime moonLanding = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(item['CreateDate'].substring(6, 19)));
DateTime modifyLanding = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(item['ModifyDate'].substring(6, 19)));
DateTime commentLanding = new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(item['LastCommentDate'].substring(6, 19)));
DateTime lastChangeLanding = (modifyLanding.isBefore(commentLanding)) ? commentLanding : modifyLanding;
Duration difference = new DateTime.now().difference(lastChangeLanding);
if (moonLanding.add(lostInTime).isBefore(new DateTime.now()) && difference.inDays > 4) {
..write('> last change: ')
..write(' days ago \n');
print("sent to Slack");