当我在 PyScripter 上运行我的程序时,我得到了4.5
. 但是在 Ideone 上运行与此处或在codeacademy上相同的代码会返回4
#Create a function that returns the median of a list of numbers
def median(list_of_numbers):
#Make a copy of list_of_numbers and sort the new list
lst = list_of_numbers
lst = sorted(lst)
#Get the length of list and use it to index through the list
lst_length = len(lst)
index = int(lst_length/2)
#If length if even, average the two middle numbers
if lst_length%2==0:
a= lst[index-1]
b = lst[index]
result = (a+b)/2
#If length is odd, return the middle number
result = lst[index]
return result
print (median([4, 5, 5, 4]))
我的 PyScripter 版本:* Python 3.3.5(v3.3.5:62cf4e77f785,2014 年 3 月 9 日,10:37:12)[MSC v.1600 32 位(英特尔)] 在 win32 上。*