I'm trying to learn AutoFixture, and I've got xUnit and NSubstitute and AutoFixture setup to automatically mock out properties with fakes (with AutoFixture.AutoNSubstitute). In other words, if I have the following interface

public interface IFoo
    IBar1 Bar1 {get;}
    IBar2 Bar2 {get; set;}

Trying to resolve an IFoo will automatically resolve and populate Bar1 and Bar2.

Everything works great for objects with properties of interface, concrete object, or structure types. I'm having a problem getting AutoFixture to automatically create properties of abstract types however.

I have tried using a TypeRelay for the abstract type, so

fixture.Customizations.Add(new TypeRelay(typeof (AbstractBase), typeof (ConcreteChild)));

I have tried specifying it this way,

            composer =>
                    (string ChildParam1, string ChildParam2) => new ConcreteChild(ConcreteChildParam1, ConcreteChildParam2)));

I have tried using various custom specimen builders

Resolving via the property type:

var pi = request as PropertyInfo;

if (pi != null &&
    pi.PropertyType == typeof(AbstractBase))
    return context.Resolve(typeof(ConcreteChild));

return new NoSpecimen(request);

Resolving via the class type:

var pi = request as Type;

if (pi != null &&
    pi == typeof (AbstractBase))
    return context.Resolve(typeof(ConcreteChild));

return new NoSpecimen(request);

With both of the above solutions, I also tried context.Create<ConcreteChild>()

Finally I have tried using the Register<AbstractBase>(fixture.Create<ConcreteChild>); syntax.

None of them seem to work as far as automatically populating properties on an object.

The irritating thing is that I can explicitly fixture.Create<AbstractBase>(); in an individual test and get the ConcreteChild and then hand-jam everything but that kind of defeats the purpose of AutoFixture no?

Any ideas?


The abstract class. I've pruned most of the irrelivent stuff, left the ctor code in as I'm assuming it gets called?

public abstract class ChatEntityId 
    private string _localName;

    protected ChatEntityId(string chatRoomName, string entityUid, ChatProtocol protocol)
        ErrorChecker.NormalizeToNullIfNotSet(ref chatRoomName);
        ErrorChecker.NormalizeToNullIfNotSet(ref entityUid);
        if (chatRoomName == null && entityUid == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Both chatRoomName and entityUid may not be null at the same time.");

        ChatRoomName = chatRoomName;
        EntityUid = entityUid;
        Protocol = protocol;

    public string ChatRoomName { get; private set; }

    public string EntityUid { get; private set; }

    public bool Equals(ChatEntityId chatEntityId) { }

    public override bool Equals(object obj) { }

    public override int GetHashCode() {}

    public string LocalName { get; }

    public ChatProtocol Protocol { get; private set; }

    public override string ToString() { }

ChatProtocol is an enum, fairly standard.

The AutoPopulatedProperty ICustomization

    public virtual void Customize(IFixture fixture)
        fixture.Customize(new DomainCustomization());

        // Replacement for the AutoNSubstituteCustomization, this Postprocessor will automatically create fake objects on properties.
            new Postprocessor(
                new NSubstituteBuilder(
                    new MethodInvoker(
                        new NSubstituteMethodQuery())),
                new AutoPropertiesCommand(
                    new PropertiesOnlySpecification())));

    private class PropertiesOnlySpecification : IRequestSpecification
        public bool IsSatisfiedBy(object request)
            return request is PropertyInfo;

1 回答 1


有点尴尬的是,我意识到 NSubstitute 有它所谓的递归模拟,这部分是我想要的,并解释了为什么我无法弄清楚一些自动模拟的属性来自哪里。问题是它并没有全面做到这一点(可能是正确的),据我所知,在这方面并没有真正的可扩展性。

现在 AutoFixture 开始发挥作用,在我们在 Postprocessors 中创建样本后NSubstituteBuilderAutoPropertiesCommand调用该类并获取它确定的适当属性以填充数据。



    private IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties(object specimen)
        return from pi in this.GetSpecimenType(specimen).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
               where pi.GetSetMethod() != null
               && pi.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0
               && this.specification.IsSatisfiedBy(pi)
               select pi;


作为一个侧边栏,没有将这两种方法作为受保护的虚拟方法似乎有点限制,除了“它只是以这种方式编码”之外,还有什么特别的原因吗?我相信这些是基本的 AutoFixture 类,以供记录。

于 2014-07-09T13:24:30.170 回答