I would like to calculate a point based on direction and distance using GeoDjango or GeoPy.

For example, If I have a point that is (-24680.1613, 6708860.65389) I would like to find out a point 1KM North, 1KM East, 1KM Sourh and 1KM west using Vincenty distance formula.

I closest thing I can find is a "destination" function in distance.py (https://code.google.com/p/geopy/source/browse/trunk/geopy/distance.py?r=105). Although I cannot find this documented anywhere and I'm yet to figure out how to use it.

Any help is much appreciated.


3 回答 3


编辑 2

好的,geopy 有一个开箱即用的解决方案,只是没有很好的记录:

import geopy
import geopy.distance

# Define starting point.
start = geopy.Point(48.853, 2.349)

# Define a general distance object, initialized with a distance of 1 km.
d = geopy.distance.VincentyDistance(kilometers = 1)

# Use the `destination` method with a bearing of 0 degrees (which is north)
# in order to go from point `start` 1 km to north.
print d.destination(point=start, bearing=0)

输出是48 52m 0.0s N, 2 21m 0.0s E(或Point(48.861992239749355, 2.349, 0.0))。

90 度的方位对应于东,180 度对应于南,依此类推。



def get_new_point():
    # After going 1 km North, 1 km East, 1 km South and 1 km West
    # we are back where we were before.
    return (-24680.1613, 6708860.65389)


好吧,说真的,你可以开始使用 geopy 了。首先,您需要在 geopy 已知的坐标系中定义起点。乍一看,您似乎不能只是将某个距离“添加”到某个方向。我认为原因是距离的计算是一个没有简单逆解的问题。或者我们将如何反转https://code.google.com/p/geopy/source/browse/trunk/geopy/distance.py#217measure中定义的函数?


如此处所述:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/9078861/145400您可以计算两个给定点之间的距离,如下所示:

pt1 = geopy.Point(48.853, 2.349)
pt2 = geopy.Point(52.516, 13.378)
# distance.distance() is the  VincentyDistance by default.
dist = geopy.distance.distance(pt1, pt2).km

对于向北一公里,您将迭代地将纬度更改为正方向并检查距离。您可以使用来自例如 SciPy 的简单迭代求解器自动执行此方法:只需通过http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/optimize.html#root-findinggeopy.distance.distance().km - 1中列出的优化器之一找到根。




import geopy
import geopy.distance
import scipy.optimize

def north(startpoint, distance_km):
    """Return target function whose argument is a positive latitude
    change (in degrees) relative to `startpoint`, and that has a root
    for a latitude offset that corresponds to a point that is 
    `distance_km` kilometers away from the start point.
    def target(latitude_positive_offset):
        return geopy.distance.distance(
            startpoint, geopy.Point(
                latitude=startpoint.latitude + latitude_positive_offset,
            ).km - distance_km
    return target

start = geopy.Point(48.853, 2.349)
print "Start: %s" % start

# Find the root of the target function, vary the positve latitude offset between
# 0 and 2 degrees (which is for sure enough for finding a 1 km distance, but must
# be adjusted for larger distances).
latitude_positive_offset = scipy.optimize.bisect(north(start, 1),  0, 2)

# Build Point object for identified point in space.
end = geopy.Point(
    latitude=start.latitude + latitude_positive_offset,

print "1 km north: %s" % end

# Make the control.
print "Control distance between both points: %.4f km." % (
     geopy.distance.distance(start, end).km)


$ python test.py 
Start: 48 51m 0.0s N, 2 21m 0.0s E
1 km north: 48 52m 0.0s N, 2 21m 0.0s E
Control distance between both points: 1.0000 km.
于 2014-06-26T11:52:04.257 回答

此问题的 2020 年更新,基于 Jan-Philip Gehrcke 博士的回答。


这个片段展示了如何使用最新的(和未来版本的 GeoPy - Vincenty 将在 2.0 中被弃用)

import geopy
import geopy.distance

# Define starting point.
start = geopy.Point(48.853, 2.349)

# Define a general distance object, initialized with a distance of 1 km.
d = geopy.distance.distance(kilometers=1)

# Use the `destination` method with a bearing of 0 degrees (which is north)
# in order to go from point `start` 1 km to north.
final = d.destination(point=start, bearing=0)

final是一个新Point对象,打印时返回48 51m 43.1721s N, 2 20m 56.4s E

如您所见,它比 更准确Vincenty,并且应该在两极附近保持更好的精度。


于 2020-04-27T13:40:52.433 回答



import math
from geopy.distance import vincenty

initial_location = '50.966086,5.502027'
lat, lon = (float(i) for i in location.split(','))
r_earth = 6378000
lat_const = 180 / math.pi
lon_const = lat_const / math.cos(lat * math.pi / 180)

# dx = distance in meters on x axes (longitude)
dx = 1000
new_longitude = lon + (dx / r_earth) * lon_const
new_longitude = round(new_longitude, 6)
new_latitude = lat + (dy / r_earth) * lat_const
new_latitude = round(new_latitude, 6)

# dy = distance on y axes (latitude)
new_latitude = lat + (dy / r_earth) * lat_const
new_latitude = round(new_latitude, 6)
new_location = ','.join([str(y_lat), str(x_lon)])

dist_to_location = vincenty(location, new_location).meters
于 2017-01-27T10:20:11.453 回答