试用 Nest API,我让 OAuth 流程正常工作,进行了第一次 API 调用(对https://developer-api.nest.com/devices.json),按预期获得了 307 重定向,但随后我对重定向位置的调用失败,并显示Remote host closed connection during handshake. 昨晚我参加了在旧金山举行的 Nest 开发者活动,Lev Stesin让我在这里发布完整的日志并提及他的名字。

代码(Apex,在 Force.com 上运行):

public with sharing virtual class NestController {
    public class OAuthResponse {
        public String access_token;
        public String token_type;
        public Integer expires_in;    
        public String refresh_token;
        public String error;

    public static OAuthResponse parse(String json) {
        return (OAuthResponse) System.JSON.deserialize(json, OAuthResponse.class);

    public String accessToken {get; set;}
    public String output {get; set;}

    private String getAll(String accessToken) {
        String url = 'https://developer-api.nest.com/devices.json?auth='+accessToken+'&print=pretty';

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

        Http h = new Http();
        String resp;
        HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
        resp = res.getBody();

        if (res.getStatusCode() == 307) {
            url = res.getHeader('Location');
            System.debug('Redirect to: '+url);

            req = new HttpRequest();

            h = new Http();
            res = h.send(req);
            resp = res.getBody();

        System.debug('Get returns: '+resp);

        return resp;

    public virtual PageReference login() {
        String clientId = '989360fb-9a1f-4d13-929e-0b40111c725a';
        String clientSecret = 'SECRET';
        String sessionId = null;
        String state = 'wow';

        // Get a URL for the page without any query params    
        String url = ApexPages.currentPage().getUrl().split('\\?')[0];

        System.debug('url is '+url);

        // note: connect url in fb application connect setting should be: https://c.na3.visual.force.com/apex/
        // you need the trailing slash even though it bitches about it
        String rediruri = 'https://'+ApexPages.currentPage().getHeaders().get('Host')+url;

        System.debug('rediruri is:'+rediruri);

        String authuri = 'https://home.nest.com/login/oauth2'+

        // No session
        PageReference pageRef;

        if (ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().containsKey('error')) {
            // Initial step of OAuth - redirect to OAuth service
            System.debug('Error:' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('error'));

            return null;

        if (! ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().containsKey('code')) {
            // Initial step of OAuth - redirect to OAuth service
            System.debug('Nest OAuth Step 1');

            return new PageReference(authuri);

        // Second step of OAuth - get token from OAuth service
        String code = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('code');

        System.debug('Nest OAuth Step 2 - code:'+code);

        String tokenuri = 'https://api.home.nest.com/oauth2/access_token';
        String body = 'code='+code+
        System.debug('body is:'+body);

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

        Http h = new Http();
        String resp;
        if (code.equals('TEST')) {
            resp = 'access_token=TEST&expires=3600';
        } else {
            HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
            resp = res.getBody();

        System.debug('FINAL RESP IS:'+resp);

        OAuthResponse oauth = parse(resp);

        if (oauth.error != null) {
            // Error getting token - probably reusing code - start again
            return new PageReference(authuri);            

        accessToken = oauth.access_token;

        output = getAll(accessToken);

        return null;

初始 OAuth 重定向:


用户授权应用访问恒温器,Nest 重定向回我的应用:



POST 到https://api.home.nest.com/oauth2/access_token正文




(我从 撤销了令牌home.nest.com,所以我在这里发帖是安全的!)

所以我做一个 GET on


并收到预期的 307 重定向,以及位置


现在,当我在 Force.com 上运行的 Apex 代码中获取该 URL 时,它会失败并显示

System.CalloutException: Remote host closed connection during handshake

但是,如果我在命令行上从 curl 执行相同的 GET,它会成功,并返回预期的 JSON 响应。

所以看起来 SSL 握手中可能存在一些不兼容。我将在 Force.com 端进行调查;如果 Nest 的某个人可以检查他们最后的日志,那就太好了——这里应该有足够的细节。

编辑- 这是 curl -v 到该 URL 的输出:

$ curl -v 'https://firebase-apiserver01-tah01-iad01.dapi.production.nest.com:9553/devices.json?auth=c.dPHNEweWehQ47tzSm0sf13o8rX1isO9IdEG1HFwoAmeA2FtBLH1fTiksRtN9DGcPAOyEI3VINz2fD3CFma5ozSNbpqUIwGDGc8ixD1etjiIW6TmXN0Rd0p5VzEtk6sDwIe8j10NH1hKDhevX&print=pretty'
* About to connect() to firebase-apiserver01-tah01-iad01.dapi.production.nest.com port 9553 (#0)
*   Trying
* connected
* Connected to firebase-apiserver01-tah01-iad01.dapi.production.nest.com ( port 9553 (#0)
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, CERT (11):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSLv3, TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
* SSLv3, TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA
* Server certificate:
*    subject: OU=Domain Control Validated; CN=*.dapi.production.nest.com
*    start date: 2014-05-28 22:31:28 GMT
*    expire date: 2015-05-28 22:31:28 GMT
*    subjectAltName: firebase-apiserver01-tah01-iad01.dapi.production.nest.com matched
*    issuer: C=US; ST=Arizona; L=Scottsdale; O=GoDaddy.com, Inc.; OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/; CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2
*    SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET /devices.json?auth=c.dPHNEweWehQ47tzSm0sf13o8rX1isO9IdEG1HFwoAmeA2FtBLH1fTiksRtN9DGcPAOyEI3VINz2fD3CFma5ozSNbpqUIwGDGc8ixD1etjiIW6TmXN0Rd0p5VzEtk6sDwIe8j10NH1hKDhevX&print=pretty HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8y zlib/1.2.5
> Host: firebase-apiserver01-tah01-iad01.dapi.production.nest.com:9553
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Cache-Control: private, no-cache, max-age=0
< Content-Length: 2218
  "thermostats" : {
    "pYo-lbpXuVm_DctuTckA_HdEswRgRkbx" : {
      "locale" : "en-US",
      "temperature_scale" : "F",
      "is_using_emergency_heat" : false,
      "has_fan" : true,
      "software_version" : "4.2.3",
      "has_leaf" : true,
      "device_id" : "pYo-lbpXuVm_DctuTckA_HdEswRgRkbx",
      "name" : "Downstairs",
      "can_heat" : true,
      "can_cool" : true,
      "hvac_mode" : "off",
      "target_temperature_c" : 24.5,
      "target_temperature_f" : 76,
      "target_temperature_high_c" : 24.0,
      "target_temperature_high_f" : 75,
      "target_temperature_low_c" : 20.0,
      "target_temperature_low_f" : 68,
      "ambient_temperature_c" : 25.0,
      "ambient_temperature_f" : 78,
      "away_temperature_high_c" : 24.0,
      "away_temperature_high_f" : 76,
      "away_temperature_low_c" : 15.5,
      "away_temperature_low_f" : 60,
      "structure_id" : "HqSZlH08Jc3CtBNIS4OLPdiWLpcfW5o6dP2DvSox7hcGVpBGOH9cQA",
      "fan_timer_active" : false,
      "name_long" : "Downstairs Thermostat",
      "is_online" : true,
      "last_connection" : "2014-06-26T23:16:24.341Z"
    "pYo-lbpXuVncrx7IdGTWyXdEswRgRkbx" : {
      "locale" : "en-US",
      "temperature_scale" : "F",
      "is_using_emergency_heat" : false,
      "has_fan" : true,
      "software_version" : "4.2.3",
      "has_leaf" : true,
      "device_id" : "pYo-lbpXuVncrx7IdGTWyXdEswRgRkbx",
      "name" : "Upstairs",
      "can_heat" : true,
      "can_cool" : true,
      "hvac_mode" : "off",
      "target_temperature_c" : 24.0,
      "target_temperature_f" : 76,
      "target_temperature_high_c" : 24.0,
      "target_temperature_high_f" : 75,
      "target_temperature_low_c" : 20.0,
      "target_temperature_low_f" : 68,
      "ambient_temperature_c" : 25.0,
      "ambient_temperature_f" : 78,
      "away_temperature_high_c" : 24.0,
      "away_temperature_high_f" : 76,
      "away_temperature_low_c" : 15.5,
      "away_temperature_low_f" : 60,
      "structure_id" : "HqSZlH08Jc3CtBNIS4OLPdiWLpcfW5o6dP2DvSox7hcGVpBGOH9cQA",
      "fan_timer_active" : false,
      "name_long" : "Upstairs Thermostat",
      "is_online" : true,
      "last_connection" : "2014-06-26T23:16:27.849Z"
* Connection #0 to host firebase-apiserver01-tah01-iad01.dapi.production.nest.com left intact
}* Closing connection #0
* SSLv3, TLS alert, Client hello (1):

2 回答 2


我认为服务器不支持 SSLv3。尝试使用 --tlsv1 看看是否有效。

于 2014-06-27T10:18:00.583 回答

来自 Salesforce 的相同标注现在工作得很好。我猜 Nest 或 Force.com 一定调整了一些 SSL 配置。

于 2014-09-09T03:20:59.330 回答