假设我正在使用某个 python 包中的一个类,如下所示

class foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = None
        self.b = None
        self.c = None
        self.d = None
        self.e = None
        self.f = None

现在我需要在某些操作中使用类 foo 的对象 foobar 的属性bde,例如调用函数 qux :

print qux(foobar.b, foobar.d, foobar.e)


print qux(*foobar.[b,d,e])



2 回答 2


Well, getattr and setattr get you close:

Assignment with setattr (not needed for the next to work, just here for illustration):

class foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        for name in 'abcdef':
            setattr(self, name, None)

Using values with getattr:

print qux(*(getattr(foobar, name) for name in 'bde'))

With normal, longer names you'd need to do in ['foo', 'bar'] instead.

于 2014-06-25T15:24:27.587 回答


class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1
        self.b = 2
        self.c = 3

def getitems(obj, *items):
    values = []

    for item in items:
        values.append(getattr(obj, item))

    return tuple(values)

f = Foo()
print getitems(f, 'a', 'c')  # prints (1, 3)
qux(*getitems(f, 'a', 'c'))


class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1
        self.b = 2
        self.c = 3

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if isinstance(item, basestring):
            # treat single key as list of length one
            item = [item]

        values = []

        for key in item:
            # iterate through all keys in item
            values.append(getattr(self, key))

        return tuple(values)

f = Foo()
print f['a', 'c']  # prints (1, 3)
qux(*f['a', 'c'])
于 2014-06-25T15:28:30.270 回答