I have a sync software, which loads CSV files from "Incoming" folder, processes them and then moves them to the "Archive" folder.
Today, I saw the following error with this sync software:
[23/06/2014 00:06:04 AM] : Failed to move file from
D:\IBI_ORDER_IMPORTER_FTP_SERVER\Template3\Fifty & Dean\Incoming\5A040K___d6f1ca45937b4ceb98d29d0db4601bf4.csv to
D:\IBI_ORDER_IMPORTER_FTP_SERVER\Template3\Fifty & Dean\Archive\5A040K___d6f1ca45937b4ceb98d29d0db4601bf4.csv - Could not find a part of the path.
Here's a snippet taken out of the sync software, where the file is processed and moved:
public static void ProcessSingleUserFile(Int32 TemplateId, String ImportedBy, String FilePath)
// Always Rename File To Avoid Conflict
string FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath);
String NewFilePath = FilePath.Replace(FileName, Utils.RandomString() + "___" + FileName);
File.Move(FilePath, NewFilePath);
FilePath = NewFilePath;
// Log
SyncUtils.ConsoleLog(String.Format("Processing [ {0} as {1} ] By [ {2} ] On Template [ #{3} ]",
FileName + ".csv",
// Init
List<OrderDraft> myOrderDrafts = new List<OrderDraft>();
// Parsed Based On Template Id
if (TemplateId == Settings.Default.Multi_Order_Template_Id)
// Try Parse File
myOrderDrafts = Utils.ParseMultiImportFile(TemplateId, ImportedBy, FilePath, true);
// Try Parse File
myOrderDrafts.Add(Utils.ParseImportFile(TemplateId, ImportedBy, FilePath, true));
// Process Orders
foreach (OrderDraft myOrderDraft in myOrderDrafts)
/* code snipped */
// Archive File
File.Move(FilePath, FilePath.Replace("Incoming", "Archive"));
Any idea what this error means? and how to circumvent it?
I wrote a cut down version of the above to test this in a controlled environment and I am not getting the error with this code:
static void Main(string[] args)
string baseDir = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FTP_SERVER\Template3\Fifty & Dean\Incoming\";
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(baseDir, "*.csv");
foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
// do some work here ...
// move file
string newFilePath = filePath.Replace("Incoming", "Archive");
File.Move(filePath, newFilePath);
Console.WriteLine("File successfully moved");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);