
[id_max, id_min] = find_max_min(signal);


i.e. id_max(1)<id_min(1)<id_max(2)<id_min(2)<... 
we could start with a minimum..this is not known


 id_max = [1 3 5 7 10 14 20];

 id_min = [2 4 6 8 16 19];

我想要 2 个向量来missing_max missing_min指示丢失的最大值和最小值的位置。

当两个连续的最小值(最大值)之间没有最大值(最小值)时,就会出现缺失最大值(id_min (id_max)最小值)。

在此示例中,id_max 的第 7 个位置缺少最大值,因为在 id_min 中有两个连续的值 (16 19),两者之间没有最大值。


missing_max = [7]

missing_min = [5]


id_max = [1 3 5 7 10 14 X 20];

id_min = [2 4 6 8 X 16 19];(用 XI 标记缺失值)

如果交替正确,则向量应该为空。你能建议一种没有 for 循环的有效方法吗?



1 回答 1



    id_max = [1 3 5 7 10 14 20];
    id_min = [2 4 6 8 16 19];

    % Group all values, codify extremity (1-max, 0-min), and position
    id_all   = [          id_max,              id_min  ];
    code_all = [ones(size(id_max)), zeros(size(id_min))];
    posn_all = [  1:numel(id_max),     1:numel(id_min) ];

    % Reshuffle the codes and positions according to sorted IDs of min/max
    [~, ix]  = sort(id_all);
    code_all = code_all(ix);
    posn_all = posn_all(ix);

    % Find adjacent IDs that have the same code, i.e. code diff = 0
    code_diff = (diff(code_all)==0);

    % Get the indices of same-code neighbors, and their original positions
    ix_missing_min = find([code_diff,false] & (code_all==1));
    ix_missing_max = find([code_diff,false] & (code_all==0));

    missing_min    = posn_all(ix_missing_min+1);
    missing_max    = posn_all(ix_missing_max+1);


  1. 确保你的id_minandid_max是行(即使是空的);
  2. 确保其中至少有一个不为空;
  3. 虽然它们不需要排序,但它们的值必须是唯一的(在 ID 内和跨 ID)。



    id_max = [1 3 5 7 10 14 20];
    id_min = [2 4 6 8 16 19];
    %id_max = [12 14]
    %id_min = [2 4 6 8 10];

    id_min_ext = [-Inf, id_min];
    id_max_ext = [-Inf, id_max];

    % Group all values, and codify their extremity (1-max, 0-min), and position
    id_all   = [          id_max_ext,              id_min_ext  ];
    code_all = [ones(size(id_max_ext)), zeros(size(id_min_ext))];
    posn_all = [  0:numel(id_max),         0:numel(id_min)     ];

    % Reshuffle the codes and position according to sorted positions of min/max
    [~, ix] = sort(id_all);
    code_all = code_all(ix);
    posn_all = posn_all(ix);

    % Find adjacent IDs that have the same code, i.e. code diff = 0
    code_diff = (diff(code_all)==0);

    % Get the indices of same-code neighbours, and their original positions
    ix_missing_min = find([code_diff,false] & (code_all==1));
    ix_missing_max = find([code_diff,false] & (code_all==0));

    missing_min    = unique(posn_all(ix_missing_min-1))+1;
    missing_max    = unique(posn_all(ix_missing_max-1))+1;

但是,该代码包含一个微妙的错误。该错误将由提出问题的人删除,或者在他/她以非常清楚所要求的方式改进问题后由我删除。:-)由于我们有 2 个虚拟极值(一个最大值和一个最小值,在 ID = -∞ 处),因此第一个缺失的极值可能会被标记两次:一次在 -∞ 处,一次在 ID 的第一个元素处列表。unique()会解决这个问题(尽管检查数组的前 2 个元素是否具有相同值的函数调用过多)

于 2014-06-25T14:32:15.203 回答