Delphi 2009 抱怨 E2283 错误:[DCC Error] outputcode.pas(466): E2283 Too many local constants。使用更短的程序
Delphi 2007 编译得很好。我找不到大量的局部常量,它是一个很短的(500 行)单位。您是否看到我可以处理的大量常量或文字?
procedure TOutputCodeForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
poParser : TStringStream;
if ( IsWindowsVista() ) then
SetVistaFonts( self );
poParser := TStringStream.Create( gstrSQLParser );
SQLParser := TSyntaxMemoParser.Create( self );
SQLParser.RegistryKey := '\Software\Advantage Data Architect\SQLSyntaxMemo';
SQLParser.UseRegistry := True;
SQLParser.CompileFromStream( poParser );
FreeAndNil( poParser );
poParser := TStringStream.Create( gstrCPPParser );
cppParser := TSyntaxMemoParser.Create( self );
cppParser.RegistryKey := '\Software\Advantage Data Architect\SQLSyntaxMemo';
cppParser.UseRegistry := True;
cppParser.CompileFromStream( poParser );
FreeAndNil( poParser );
poParser := TStringStream.Create( gstrPasParser );
pasParser := TSyntaxMemoParser.Create( self );
pasParser.RegistryKey := '\Software\Advantage Data Architect\SQLSyntaxMemo';
pasParser.Script := ExtractFilePath( Application.ExeName ) + 'pasScript.txt';
pasParser.CompileFromStream( poParser );
{* Free the stream since we are finished with it. *}
FreeAndNil( poParser );
poCodeOutput := TSyntaxMemo.Create( self );
poCodeOutput.Parent := Panel1;
poCodeOutput.Left := 8;
poCodeOutput.Top := 8;
poCodeOutput.Width := Panel1.Width - 16;
poCodeOutput.Height := Panel1.Height - 16;
poCodeOutput.ClipCopyFormats := [smTEXT, smRTF];
poCodeOutput.Font.Charset := ANSI_CHARSET;
poCodeOutput.Font.Color := clWindowText;
poCodeOutput.Font.Height := -11;
poCodeOutput.Font.Name := 'Courier New';
poCodeOutput.Font.Style := [];
poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET;
poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Color := clWindowText;
poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Height := -11;
poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Name := 'MS Sans Serif';
poCodeOutput.GutterFont.Style := [];
poCodeOutput.HyperCursor := crDefault;
poCodeOutput.IndentStep := 1;
poCodeOutput.Margin := 2;
poCodeOutput.Modified := False;
poCodeOutput.MonoPrint := True;
poCodeOutput.Options := [smoSyntaxHighlight, smoPrintWrap, smoPrintLineNos, smoPrintFilename, smoPrintDate, smoPrintPageNos, smoAutoIndent, smoTabToColumn, smoWordSelect, smoShowRMargin, smoShowGutter, smoShowWrapColumn, smoTitleAsFilename, smoProcessDroppedFiles, smoBlockOverwriteCursor, smoShowWrapGlyph, smoColumnTrack, smoUseTAB, smoSmartFill, smoOLEDragSource];
poCodeOutput.ReadOnly := False;
poCodeOutput.RightMargin := 80;
poCodeOutput.SaveFormat := sfTEXT;
poCodeOutput.ScrollBars := ssBoth;
poCodeOutput.SelLineStyle := lsCRLF;
poCodeOutput.SelStart := 3;
poCodeOutput.SelLength := 0;
poCodeOutput.SelTextColor := clWhite;
poCodeOutput.SelTextBack := clBlack;
poCodeOutput.TabDefault := 4;
poCodeOutput.TabOrder := 0;
poCodeOutput.VisiblePropEdPages := [ppOPTIONS, ppHIGHLIGHTING, ppKEYS, ppAUTOCORRECT, ppTEMPLATES];
poCodeOutput.WrapAtColumn := 0;
poCodeOutput.OnKeyDown := FormKeyDown;
poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 3;
poCodeOutput.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom];
poCodeOutput.Parser1 := pasParser;
poCodeOutput.Parser2 := cppParser;
poCodeOutput.Parser3 := SQLParser;
SQLParser.AttachEditor( poCodeOutput );
cppParser.AttachEditor( poCodeOutput );
pasParser.AttachEditor( poCodeOutput );
poCodeOutput.Lines.AddStrings( poCode );
if ( CodeType = ctCPP ) then
poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 2
else if ( CodeType = ctPascal ) then
poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 1
poCodeOutput.ActiveParser := 3;
MainForm.AdjustFormSize( self, 0.95, 0.75 );