-- | Convert a 'Maybe a' to an equivalent 'Either () a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'eitherUnitToMaybe'.
maybeToEitherUnit :: Maybe a -> Either () a
maybeToEitherUnit a = error "Not yet implemented: maybeToEitherUnit"
-- | Convert a 'Either () a' to an equivalent 'Maybe a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'maybeToEitherUnit'.
eitherUnitToMaybe :: Either () a -> Maybe a
eitherUnitToMaybe = error "Not yet implemented: eitherUnitToMaybe"
-- | Convert a pair of a 'Bool' and an 'a' to 'Either a a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'eitherToPairWithBool'.
pairWithBoolToEither :: (Bool,a) -> Either a a
pairWithBoolToEither = undefined -- What should I do here?
-- | Convert an 'Either a a' to a pair of a 'Bool' and an 'a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'pairWithBoolToEither'.
eitherToPairWithBool :: Either a a -> (Bool,a)
eitherToPairWithBool = undefined -- What should I do here?
-- | Convert a function from 'Bool' to 'a' to a pair of 'a's. Should be inverse
-- to 'pairToFunctionFromBool'.
functionFromBoolToPair :: (Bool -> a) -> (a,a)
functionFromBoolToPair = error "Not yet implemented: functionFromBoolToPair"
-- | Convert a pair of 'a's to a function from 'Bool' to 'a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'functionFromBoolToPair'.
pairToFunctionFromBool :: (a,a) -> (Bool -> a)
pairToFunctionFromBool = error "Not yet implemented: pairToFunctionFromBool"
我真的不知道该怎么办。我知道可能是什么,但我认为这两者都有问题,因为Either a a
在我看来这毫无意义。Either a b
会好的。Either a a
这是 a 或 b 但是a