My training project, in a device-management-providing company, is to add a plug-in on top of the company's OMA-DM server to support the new ANDSF management object.

Now, I need to find an "ANDSF capable mobile device"(a device that supports the ANDSF feature I want to implement) so I can test my work. I found that Samsung Galaxy Note supports OMA-DM.

  1. Does that mean it is an "ANDSF capable device"? OR
  2. Should I find online an ANDSF client that I download onto the Galaxy Note? OR
  3. Above two are not possible and I need to find a device that already supports OMA-DM and ANDSF functionalities?

If 2 or 3 are correct, where can I find the client/device?

Thank you for your guidance..

EDIT: Just found out that if the device doesn't have an ANDSF object in it already, there's nothing we can do/download. So does somebody know a website/something where i can know at least the name of a device that has ANDSF object built in it?


1 回答 1


不确定您是否还需要这方面的帮助……您的第一个问题的答案是“否”。仅仅因为该设备符合 OMA-DM,并不意味着它符合 ANDSF。事实上,鉴于 ANDSF 的“相对新颖性”,可以肯定地说,除非明确说明,否则该设备很可能不支持 ANDSF 功能。

我不确定 questino#2。不确定三星 Galaxy 上现有的 OMA-DM 客户端将如何与您正在部署的 ANDSF 客户端交互。

Questino#3:是的。这就是您测试 ANDSF 服务器功能所需要的。

如果您找到了支持 ANDSF 的设备,我很想知道它。


于 2014-07-22T20:21:37.677 回答