我有一个输入框和一个文本区域,它们保存在一个模式窗口中,该窗口在单击按钮时打开。相同的输入框和 textarea 被用于不同目的的第二个模式使用。每个模态都在不同的控制器下。因此,当我单击第一个控制器的按钮时,我希望将某些更改应用于模态,而不是单击另一个控制器的按钮时。
但是,由于这些控制器共享这些输入和文本区域字段,因此有时来自一个和另一个的信息由于其中的 s 而相互传递ng-model
这都是因为我不知道如何从我的控制器中更新这些输入/文本区域字段的内容。我不确定我做错了什么。我的模型没有更新 DOM——求助?
$scope.anonOrName = "anonymous"; //value when user posts anonymously
$scope.systemUserName="name from system here"; //value when user posts not-anon
//New title defined by the user for the post.
//post content the user fills in
$scope.postContent = "";
* Operates the New Post modal window, calling functions from the modalManager
$scope.newIdeaClick = function() {
$scope.title=""; //make sure title input is blank, doesn't work
$scope.postContent=""; //make sure the textbox is blank, doesn't work
document.getElementById('title').disabled = false; //allows user to type a new title, sometimes doesn't work
document.getElementById('anonymous').disabled = true; //user must post anonymously
modalManager.open('newPost'); //open the modal window
$scope.anonOrName = "anonymous";
$scope.systemUserName="name from system here";
//Title of the post the user is commenting on. The user cannot change this.
// Content of the textarea, the new comment written by the user.
$scope.postContent = "";
* Operates the New comment modal window, calling functions from the modalManager factory
$scope.newCommentClick = function() {
$scope.title="(some title will go here"; //sets the title, cannot be changed, doesn't work
$scope.postContent=""; //make sure the textbox is blank, doesn't work
document.getElementById('anonymous').disabled = false; //user can select anon or not
document.getElementById('title').disabled = true; //user may not choose new title
index.html有两个调用如下代码,一个在 ControllerA 下,另一个在 ControllerB 下:
<input ng-model="title" class="titleInputBox" id="title" />
<div class="commentPostName">
<div class="nameBlank">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="anonOrName" class="anonCheckBox" ng-true-value="anonymous" ng-false-value="{{systemUserName}}" id="anonymous" />
<textarea id="postBodyTextArea" ng-model="postContent">
是我的两个模型,每次单击相应的帖子或评论按钮时,我都尝试将其设置为空白,并调用每个控制器中定义的单击函数。但他们不会更新 DOM 中的空白。
更新:通过调试语句,我已经能够确定值本身已被重置为空白,就像我编写的代码一样,但是这种更改根本不尊重 DOM。我也尝试在这些模型上使用 $scope.$watch 来做同样的事情,但没有运气。