I'm having trouble reading the response from a RS232 OBD2 interface via pySerial. The code successfully enters the data, as I can see from a direct parallel terminal screen, but fails to read and print the response, regardless of the response.
Right now the code is not capable of printing the response in neither versions of Python. The code looks something like this :
from serial import * # I also tried using /from serial import Serial
import time
ser = Serial("/dev/rfcomm1", 38400, timeout=1)
#print ('Starting up, formatting responses')
#print ('We have lift-off !')
if ser.inWaiting() > 0:
#ser.timeout = 1.
#print (raw_data)
ser.write("AT RV\r") #The response should be something like 13.5V, but nothing
ser.timeout = 1.
msg = ser.read(size=1024)
print msg
I left only the AT RV command because while I'm working on it I sent the text formatting commands to ease the job. Right now when I send it it just gives me a blank line (although the terminal which is running on the same machine displays the desired output)
There are no errors in the code, and the commands go through and are responded to by the interface, and I can see that in another live term, but nothing appears when running the Python code. What should I do ?