我一直按照说明为 Lisp 安装编码示例,但在尝试使用 Allegro CL 加载文件“aima.Lisp”时收到错误“逗号不在反引号内”。
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp -*- File:
;;;; Vendor-Specific Customizations
#+Lucid (setq *warn-if-no-in-package* nil)
;;;; A minimal facility for defining systems of files
(defparameter "C:\Users\Aaron\Lisp\"
(truename "~/public_html/code/") ; <<<<<<<< Edit this
"The root directory where the code is stored.")
(defparameter *aima-binary-type*
(first (list ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Edit this
#+Lispworks system::*binary-file-type*
#+Lucid (first lucid::*load-binary-pathname-
#+Allegro excl:*fasl-default-type*
#+(or AKCL KCL) "o"
#+CMU "sparcf"
#+CLISP "fas"))
"If calling aima-load loads your source files and not
your compiled
binary files, insert the file type for your binaries
before the <<<<
and load systems with (aima-load-binary NAME).")
(defconstant *aima-version*
"0.99 AIMA Code, Appomattox Version, 09-Apr-2002")
(defparameter *aima-system-names* nil
"A list of names of the systems that have been
(defstruct aima-system
name (requires nil) (doc "") (parts nil) (examples nil)
(loaded? nil))
;;;; The Top-Level Functions:
(defmacro def-aima-system (name requires doc &body parts)
"Define a system as a list of parts. A part can be a
string, which denotes
a file name; or a symbol, which denotes a (sub)system
name; or a list of the
form (subdirectory / part...), which means the parts
are in a subdirectory.
The REQUIRES argument is a list of systems that must be
loaded before this
one. Note that a documentation string is mandatory."
`(add-aima-system :name ',name
:requires ',requires :doc ',doc
:parts ',parts))
(defun aima-load (&optional (name 'all))
"Load file(s), trying the system-dependent method
(operate-on-aima-system name 'load-something))
(defun aima-load-binary (&optional (name 'all))
"Load file(s), prefering binaries to source."
(operate-on-aima-system name 'load-binary))
(defun aima-compile (&optional (name 'everything))
"Compile (and load) the file or files that make up an
AIMA system."
(operate-on-aima-system name 'compile-load))
(defun aima-load-if-unloaded (name)
(let ((system (get-aima-system name)))
(unless (and system (aima-system-loaded? system))
(aima-load system))
;;;; Support Functions
(defun add-aima-system (&key name requires doc parts
(pushnew name *aima-system-names*)
(setf (get 'aima-system name)
(make-aima-system :name name :examples examples
:requires requires :doc doc
:parts parts)))
(defun get-aima-system (name)
"Return the system with this name. (If argument is a
system, return it.)"
(cond ((aima-system-p name) name)
((symbolp name) (get 'aima-system name))
(t nil)))
(defun operate-on-aima-system (part operation &key (path
nil) (load t)
"Perform the operation on the part (or system) and its
subparts (if any).
Reasonable operations are load, load-binary, compile-
load, and echo.
If LOAD is true, then load any required systems that
are unloaded."
(let (system)
((stringp part) (funcall operation (aima-file part
:path path)))
((and (consp part) (eq (second part) '/))
(let* ((subdirectory (mklist (first part)))
(new-path (append path subdirectory)))
(funcall directory-operation new-path)
(dolist (subpart (nthcdr 2 part))
(operate-on-aima-system subpart operation :load
:path new-path
((consp part)
(dolist (subpart part)
(operate-on-aima-system subpart operation :load
load :path path
((setf system (get-aima-system part))
;; Load the required systems, then operate on the
(when load (mapc #'aima-load-if-unloaded (aima-
system-requires system)))
(operate-on-aima-system (aima-system-parts system)
:load load :path path
(setf (aima-system-loaded? system) t))
(t (warn "Unrecognized part: ~S in path ~A" part
(defun aima-file (name &key (type nil) (path nil))
"Given a file name and maybe a file type and a relative
path from the
AIMA directory, return the right complete pathname."
(make-pathname :name name :type type :defaults *aima-
:directory (append (pathname-directory
(mklist path))))
#-MCL ;; Macintosh Common Lisp already defines this
(defun compile-load (file)
"Compile file and then load it."
;; This could be made more sophisticated, to compile
only when out of date.
(compile-file (file-with-type file "lisp"))
(load-binary file))
(defun load-binary (file)
"Load file, trying the binary first, but loading the
source if necessary."
(load-something file '(binary nil "lisp")))
(defun load-something (file &optional (types '(nil binary
"Try each of the types in turn until we get a file that
Complain if we can't find anything. By default, try
the system-dependent
method first, then the binary, and finally the source
(lisp) file."
(dolist (type types (warn "Can't find file: ~A" file))
(when (load (file-with-type file type) :if-does-not-
exist nil)
(return t))))
(defun file-with-type (file type)
"Return a pathname with the given type."
(if (null type)
(make-pathname :type (if (eq type 'binary) *aima-
binary-type* type))
(defun mklist (x)
"If x is a list, return it; otherwise return a
singleton list, (x)."
(if (listp x) x (list x)))
;;;; Definitions of Systems
(def-aima-system utilities ()
"Basic functions that are loaded every time, and used
by many other systems."
("utilities" / "utilities" "binary-tree" "queue"
"cltl2" "test-utilities"))
(def-aima-system agents (utilities)
"Code from Part I: Agents and Environments"
("agents" / "test-agents"
("environments" / "basic-env" "grid-env" "vacuum"
("agents" / "agent" "vacuum" "wumpus")
("algorithms" / "grid")))
(def-aima-system search (agents)
"Code from Part II: Problem Solving and Search"
("search" / "test-search"
("algorithms" / "problems" "simple" "repeated"
"csp" "ida" "iterative" "sma" "minimax")
("environments" / "games" "prob-solve")
("domains" / "cannibals" "ttt" "cognac" "nqueens"
"puzzle8" "route-finding" "tsp" "vacuum")
("agents" / "ps-agents" "ttt-agent")))
(def-aima-system logic (agents)
"Code from Part III: Logic, Inference, and Knowledge
("logic" / "test-logic"
("algorithms" / "tell-ask" "unify" "normal" "prop"
"horn" "fol" "infix")
("environments" / "shopping")))
(def-aima-system planning ()
"Code from Part IV: Planning and Acting"
("planning" / ))
(def-aima-system uncertainty (agents)
"Code from Part V: Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning"
("uncertainty" / "test-uncertainty"
("agents" / "mdp-agent")
("domains" / "mdp" "4x3-mdp")
("environments" / "mdp")
("algorithms" / "dp" "stats")))
(def-aima-system learning (uncertainty)
"Code from Part VI: Learning"
("learning" / "test-learning"
("algorithms" / "inductive-learning" "learning-
curves" "dtl" "dll"
"nn" "perceptron" "multilayer" "q-iteration")
("domains" / "restaurant-multivalued" "restaurant-
"restaurant-boolean" "majority-boolean" "ex-19-4-
"and-boolean" "xor-boolean" "4x3-passive-mdp")
("agents" / "passive-lms-learner" "passive-adp-
"passive-td-learner" "active-adp-learner" "active-
"exploring-adp-learner" "exploring-tdq-learner")))
(def-aima-system language (logic)
"Code from Part VII, Chapters 22-23: Natural Language
and Communication"
("language" / "test-language"
("algorithms" / "chart-parse")
("domains" / "grammars" )))
(def-aima-system all ()
"All systems except the utilities system, which is
always already loaded"
agents search logic planning uncertainty learning
(def-aima-system everything ()
"All the code, including the utilities"
utilities all)
(setf *aima-system-names* (nreverse *aima-system-names*))
;;;; Always load the utilities
(aima-load 'utilities)
这是我第一次尝试使用 lisp,但我无法找到错误。