I'm using the Elm WebGL library found here to make webGL graphics for my website. I would like to use certain graphics techniques such as shadow mapping which require the ability to use the results of operations performed on the graphics card; a write to a renderbuffer backed by a texture, if I recall my OpenGL ES terminology correctly, which is then used by the shader which draws to the screen.

Looking in the API provided it doesn't look like doing this is possible, because the only thing in the API that can actually execute/hold the result of a WebGL pipeline/Entity is of type Element.

My question is if it is possible to use techniques like shadow mapping and SSAO which require more than one pass to draw the scene with the standard Elm WebGL library, and how I might accomplish this.


1 回答 1


可悲的是,答案确实是:不,您还不能使用显卡进行多次传递并生成纹理。WebGL 库是相当新的,所以这是 6 天前在 elm-discuss 邮件列表中第一次请求的功能。
WebGL 库的作者尚未做出回应,但我预计链接帖子中描述的功能将在某个时候可用。

于 2014-06-22T08:02:42.210 回答