在尝试以最简单的方式重现问题时,我发现我可以通过连续两次执行 entityManager.CacheStateManager.RestoreCacheState(someCacheState) 来重现它。做两次会导致问题,但做一次不会。在我们的应用程序中,我们正在恢复缓存状态,这似乎与问题有关。我不认为我们正在恢复它两次,但也许我们是?无论哪种方式,这样做似乎应该没问题?
此外,在我们的真实应用程序中,我可以通过对两个实体(参与一对一关系的两个实体)的列表执行两次 ImportEntities 来重现该问题。在这种情况下,我不必做两次恢复相同缓存状态来重现问题的奇怪事情——我只需导入两次。不幸的是,我无法在干净的解决方案中重现双重导入。
private static void TestMultipleImports()
//Any database with a one-to-one should work. I'm using Adventure Works here but I've modified
// it to have a one-to-one relationship. For each Contact there are 0 or 1 Contact Details
// (they both have ContactID as the Primary Key)
var mainEm = new AdventureWorksEntities();
//Add a Contact and a Contact Detail with the same SID
var contact = new Contact {ContactID = 1};
var detail = new ContactDetail {ContactID = 1};
//DevForce correctly matched up the entities so navigating from Contact to Detail or
// from Detail to Contact works as expected
Assert.AreSame(detail, contact.ContactDetail);
Assert.AreSame(contact, detail.Contact);
//In another entity manager, add the same Contact and Details
var altEm = new AdventureWorksEntities();
altEm.AttachEntity(new ContactDetail {ContactID = 1});
altEm.AttachEntity(new Contact {ContactID = 1});
//Use our helper method to import everything from our alternate EM into the main one
ImportAll(altEm, mainEm);
//Verify the navigations are still working
Assert.AreSame(contact, detail.Contact);
Assert.AreSame(detail, contact.ContactDetail);
//Now do a similar import except we'll import into the dummy EM before importing into the main EM.
// This 'double import' seems to cause the problem. It would also break if we imported twice into
// main EM.
var dummy = new EntityManager();
ImportAll(altEm, dummy, mainEm, mainEm);
//Verify once more. This one will pass ...
Assert.AreSame(contact, detail.Contact);
//...but this will fail. The Contact Detail is in the Entity Manager and it can navigate to its related
// Contact...but for some reason, the Contact can't navigate to the Detail any longer. Instead of
// being the expected Contact Detail entity, it is a Null Entity
Assert.AreSame(detail, contact.ContactDetail);
//Perhaps a bit of an odd way to copy entities between entity managers but it seems like this should be a
// reasonable thing to do
private static void ImportAll(EntityManager source, params EntityManager[] destinations)
var ecs1 = source.CacheStateManager.GetCacheState();
foreach (var destination in destinations)
destination.CacheStateManager.RestoreCacheState(ecs1, RestoreStrategy.Normal);
我们正在运行 Dev Force 2012 的最新版本(截至撰写本文时):7.2.3。