I'm working on a program that runs Monte Carlo simulation; specifically, I'm using a Metropolis algorithm. The program needs to generate possibly billions of "random" numbers. I know that the Mersenne twister is very popular for Monte Carlo simulation, but I would like to make sure that I am seeding the generator in the best way possible.
Currently I'm computing a 32-bit seed using the following method:
mt19937_64 prng; //pseudo random number generator
unsigned long seed; //store seed so that every run can follow the same sequence
unsigned char seed_count; //to help keep seeds from repeating because of temporal proximity
unsigned long genSeed() {
return ( static_cast<unsigned long>(time(NULL)) << 16 )
| ( (static_cast<unsigned long>(clock()) & 0xFF) << 8 )
| ( (static_cast<unsigned long>(seed_count++) & 0xFF) );
seed = genSeed();
I have a feeling there are much better ways to assure non-repeating new seeds, and I'm quite sure mt19937_64 can be seeded with more then 32-bits. Does anyone have any suggestions?