I've cloud service and if you go to the azure portal and click on cloud services ->choose service -> click on configure . you see the setting which you put in VS cloud service mvc project like following:
This configure settings was configured and deployod from the cloud service in VS when you click on cloud service click on your MVC project and click on specific role and than you have screen of cofigure /settings /endpoints etc ,and you put the setting like key val in the setting view.
when you deploy your service to azure you see it in the config section in the portal like I mentiond abve...
User can change this config setting values in the portal I want to track it,If I go the the managment services I can see all the changes in the azure cloud service (caller id ,operation ID etc and there is option to see detailes but this is not sufficent) ,I want to see which property was changed and the old values, How should I do that ?
I've read the following but not find how to do that...
I guess I need to do it by code so any example will be very helpful!