I recently executed a command similar to the following:
svn copy https://myRepo.com/projectFolder1/myProject.prj https://myRepo.com/projectFolder2 -m "copied myProject.prj to projectFolder2"&& svn update
and indeed the copy went through then the update too.
But every other command similar to that afterwards to copy more projects is presenting me with this symbol: ">" which i assume means I need to/ want to enter more stuff? and the actual command is not being executed.
Second command:
svn copy https://myRepo.com/projectFolder1/myProject2.prj https://myRepo.com/projectFolder2 -m "copied myProject2.prj to projectFolder2"&& svn update
I know to exit that I have to hit: cntl c. But my intent is to execute the copy commands. I could not find a solution to this (possibly because i don't know what to search for exactly). Am I doing something wrong or missing something here? Thank you