编译GwtQuery droppable 插件时,出现以下错误:

|    Validating units:
|       [ERROR] Errors in 'gwtquery/plugins/droppable/client/gwt/DragAndDropCellBrowser.java'
|          [ERROR] Line 65: The type BrowserCellList is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 171: The type CellBrowser.BrowserCellList<T> is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 180: The type CellBrowser.BrowserCellList<T> is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 197: The type CellBrowser.BrowserCellList<T> is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 219: The method getDefaultResources() from the type CellBrowser is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 332: The type BrowserCellList is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 332: The method createDisplay(TreeViewModel.NodeInfo<C>, int) of type DragAndDropCellBrowser must override or implement a supertype method
|          [ERROR] Line 336: The method getLoadingIndicator() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellBrowser
|          [ERROR] Line 337: The method getLoadingIndicator() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellBrowser
|          [ERROR] Line 339: The method getPageSize() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellBrowser
|          [ERROR] Line 340: The method getPageSize() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellBrowser
|       [ERROR] Errors in 'gwtquery/plugins/droppable/client/gwt/DragAndDropCellTree.java'
|          [ERROR] Line 43: The type com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTreeNodeView is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 87: CellTreeNodeView cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 87: The method createTreeNodeView(T, CellTree.CellTreeMessages) of type DragAndDropCellTree must override or implement a supertype method
|          [ERROR] Line 88: The constructor DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView<T>(DragAndDropCellTree, CellTreeNodeView<?>, TreeViewModel.NodeInfo<T>, Element, T, CellTree.CellTreeMessages) refers to the missing type CellTreeNodeView
|       [ERROR] Errors in 'gwtquery/plugins/droppable/client/gwt/DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView.java'
|          [ERROR] Line 25: The type com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.CellTreeNodeView is not visible
|          [ERROR] Line 35: CellTreeNodeView cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 46: NodeCellList cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 51: NodeCellList cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 62: The method replaceAllChildren(List<C>, SelectionModel<? super C>, boolean) of type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView<T>.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>.View must override or implement a supertype method
|          [ERROR] Line 67: The method replaceAllChildren(List<C>, SelectionModel<capture#1-of ? super C>, boolean) is undefined for the type Object
|          [ERROR] Line 74: The method replaceChildren(List<C>, int, SelectionModel<? super C>, boolean) of type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView<T>.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>.View must override or implement a supertype method
|          [ERROR] Line 83: The method replaceChildren(List<C>, int, SelectionModel<capture#2-of ? super C>, boolean) is undefined for the type Object
|          [ERROR] Line 98: The method getNodeInfo() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>.View
|          [ERROR] Line 101: The method getNodeInfo() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>.View
|          [ERROR] Line 109: The method getNodeView() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>.View
|          [ERROR] Line 138: CellTreeNodeView cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 147: NodeCellList<C> cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 152: NodeCellList cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 154: The method getNodeView() is undefined for the type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>
|          [ERROR] Line 179: CellTreeNodeView cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 186: CellTreeNodeView cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 188: The constructor DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView<C>(DragAndDropCellTree, CellTreeNodeView<?>, TreeViewModel.NodeInfo<C>, Element, C, CellTree.CellTreeMessages) refers to the missing type CellTreeNodeView
|          [ERROR] Line 197: NodeCellList cannot be resolved to a type
|          [ERROR] Line 197: The method createNodeCellList(TreeViewModel.NodeInfo<C>) of type DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView<T> must override or implement a supertype method
|          [ERROR] Line 199: The constructor DragAndDropCellTreeNodeView.DragAndDropNodeCellList<C>(TreeViewModel.NodeInfo<C>, CellTreeNodeView<?>, int) refers to the missing type CellTreeNodeView
|    [ERROR] Aborting compile due to errors in some input files
| ================================================================
|    Compilation finished at Wed Jun 18 22:12:03 CEST 2014
| ================================================================



1 回答 1


这通常意味着您的 GWT 项目在类路径上比 gwtquery + 插件更高。

gwtquery droppable 复制/粘贴一些受包保护的类并公开它们,因此您需要将这些类放在类路径上更高的位置,以便首先读取它们。

对于 maven,这应该意味着将 gwtquery 的东西放在 gwt 的东西之前。

来源:https ://groups.google.com/d/msg/gwtquery/BKGDpJRfs_w/YhGAcTX_3T8J

于 2015-02-08T01:14:02.560 回答