Why are copy constructors unnecessary for immutable objects? Please explain this for me.
4 回答
Because the value cannot change, it's every bit as good to reference the same object in all cases, there's no need to have an "extra copy", so to speak.
现在让我们再来谈谈生命。在像 C++ 这样的语言中,复制构造函数还允许您解决内存/生命周期问题。例如,如果我正在编写一个需要 a 的 API,SomeType*
并且我希望将其保留比我的方法的生命周期更长的时间。在 C++ 中,最可靠的方法是通过复制构造函数创建对象的副本。
This is somewhat language dependent:
However, many languages require a copy constructor. If you don't provide one, the language will implicitly generate one.
With an immutable object, however, this is typically fine, since the default copy constructor (typically) does a shallow copy of all values. With a mutable data type (ie: containing internal object references to other objects), shallow copying is typically a poor choice, since the copy is only copying the reference/pointer encapsulated within it.