两年来的大部分时间里,我一直在使用 ZendFramework 1.1 开发一个应用程序,因此从我学习或尝试新事物开始,它已经看到了几个不同的重构阶段。在目前的状态下,我觉得我的结构非常好,因为我可以快速完成工作,但肯定可以在某些领域进行一些改进——我觉得有很多臃肿和尴尬的依赖关系。


就我的理解而言,我在这里所做的更符合ActiveRecord设计模式而不是Domain Models,尽管我认为我在这两个方面都有实践......

class Order extends BaseObject {
    /** @var OrderItem array of items on the order */
    public $items = array();

    public function __construct($data = array()){

        // Define the attributes for this model
        $schema = array(
            "id" => "int", // primary key
            "order_number" => "string", // user defined
            "order_total" => "float", // computed
            // etc...

        // Get datamapper and validator classes
        $mf = MapperFactory::getInstance();
        $mapper = $mf->get("Order");
        $validator = new Order_Validator();
        $table = new Application_DbTable_Order();

        // Construct parent
        parent::__construct($schema, $mapper, $validator, $table);

        // If data was provided then parse it

        // return the instance
        return $this;

    // Runs before a new instance is saved, does some checks
    public function addPrehook(){
        $orderNumber = $this->getOrderNumber();
            // This order number already exists!
            $this->addError("An order with the number $orderNumber already exists!");
            return false;

        // all good!
        return true;

    // Runs after the primary data is saved, saves any other associated objects e.g., items
    public function addPosthook(){
        // save order items
        if($this->commitItems() === false){
            return false;

        // all good!
        return true;

    // saves items on the order
    private function commitItems($editing = false){
        if($editing === true){
            // delete any items that have been removed from the order
            $existingOrder = Order::getById($this->getId());

        // Iterate over items
        foreach($this->items as $idx => $orderItem){
           // Ensure the item's order_id is set!

           // save the order item
           $saved = $orderItem->save();
           if($saved === false){
               // add errors from the order item to this instance

               // return false
               return false;

           // update the order item on this instance
           $this->items[$idx] = $saved;

        // done saving items!
        return true;

    /** @return Order|boolean The order matching provided ID or FALSE if not found */
    public static function getById($id){
        // Get the Order Datamapper
        $mf = MapperFactory::getInstance();
        $mapper = $mf->get("Order");

        // Look for the primary key in the order table
            return new self($mapper->fetchObjectData($id)->toArray());
            // no order exists with this id
            return false;

BaseObject 中存在数据的解析、保存以及几乎所有适用于所有模型(更合适的术语可能是实体)的任何其他内容,如下所示:

class BaseObject {
    /** @var array Array of parsed data */
    public $data;

    public $schema; // valid properties names and types
    public $mapper; // datamapper instance
    public $validator; // validator instance
    public $table; // table gateway instance

    public function __construct($schema, $mapper, $validator, $table){
        // raise an error if any of the properties of this method are missing

        $this->schema = $schema;
        $this->mapper = $mapper;
        $this->validator = $validator;
        $this->table = $table;

    // parses and validates $data to the instance
    public function parseData($data){
        foreach($data as $key => $value){

            // If this property isn't in schema then skip it
            if(!array_key_exists($key, $this->schema)){

            // Get the data type of this
                case "int": $setValue = (int)$value; break;
                case "string": $setValue = (string)$value; break;
                // etc...
                default: throw new InvalidException("Invalid data type provided ...");

            // Does our validator have a handler for this property?
            if($this->validator->hasProperty($key) && !$this->validator->isValid($key, $setValue)){
                return false;

             // Finally, set property on model
            $this->data[$key] = $setValue;    

     * Save the instance - Inserts or Updates based on presence of ID
     * @return BaseObject|boolean The saved object or FALSE if save fails
    public function save(){
        // Are we editing an existing instance, or adding a new one?
        $action   = ($this->getId()) ? "edit" : "add";
        $prehook  = $action . "Prehook";
        $posthook = $action . "Posthook";

        // Execute prehook if its there
        if(is_callable(array($this, $prehook), true) && $this->$prehook() === FALSE){
            // some failure occured and errors are already on the object
            return false;

        // do the actual save
            // mapper returns a saved instance with ID if creating
            $saved = $this->mapper->save($this);
        }catch(Exception $e){
            // error occured saving
            return false;

        // run the posthook if necessary
        if(is_callable(array($this, $posthook), true) && $this->$posthook() === FALSE){
            // some failure occured and errors are already on the object
            return false;

        // Save complete!
        return $saved;


class BaseMapper {
    public function save(BaseObject $obj){
            return $this->update($obj);
            return $this->insert($obj);

    private function insert(BaseObject $obj){
        // Get the table where the object should be saved
        $table = $obj->getTable();

        // Get data to save
        $saveData = $obj->getData();

        // Do the insert

        // Set the object's ID

        // Return the object
        return $obj;


模型有一个非常严格的结构,它与数据库表模式紧密耦合,使得从模型或数据库表中添加/删除属性完全是一件麻烦事!我觉得给我所有保存到数据库 a$table$mapper构造函数中的对象是一个坏主意......我怎样才能避免这种情况?我能做些什么来避免定义$schema


DataMappers除了提供一些复杂的查找器功能外,并没有做太多的事情。保存复杂对象完全由对象类本身处理(例如,Order我的示例中的类。除了“复杂对象”之外,这种类型的对象还有适当的术语吗?我说我的Order对象是“复杂的”,因为它有OrderItem它还必须保存的对象。DataMapper 是否应该处理当前存在于Order类中的保存逻辑?



1 回答 1


It's a good practice to separate the concerns between objects as much as possible. Have one responsible for Input Validation, other to perform the business logic, DB operations, etc. In order to keep the 2 objects loosely coupled they should not know anything about each other’s implementation only what they can do. This is defined thru an interface.

I recommend reading this article http://www.javaworld.com/article/2072302/core-java/more-on-getters-and-setters.html and other ones from this guy. He's got a book as well worth reading http://www.amazon.com/Holub-Patterns-Learning-Looking-Professionals/dp/159059388X.

I would separate if possible order and items, I don’t know much about your app but if you need to show a list of 20 orders only with their order numbers then those DB calls and processing regarding order items would be a waste if not separated. This is of course not the only way.

So first you need to know what the order attributes are and encapsulate a way to feed those into an order and also have an order expose that data to other objects.

interface OrderImporter {

    public function getId();

    public function getOrderNumber();

    public function getTotal();

interface OrderExporter {

    public function setData($id, $number, $total);

In order to keep the business logic separate from the database we need to encapsulate that behavior as well like so

interface Mapper {

    public function insert();

    public function update();

    public function delete();

Also I would define a specific mapper whose duty is to handle DB operations regarding orders.

interface OrderMapper extends Mapper {

     * Returns an object that captures data from an order
     * @return OrderExporter
    public function getExporter();

     * @param string $id
     * @return OrderImporter
    public function findById($id);

Finally an order needs to be able to communicate with all those objects through some messages.

interface Order {

    public function __construct(OrderImporter $importer);

    public function export(OrderExporter $exporter);

    public function save(OrderMapper $orderRow);

So far we have a way to provide data to the Order, a way to extract data from the order and a way to interact with the db.

Below I've provided a pretty simple example implementation which is far from perfect.

class OrderController extends Zend_Controller_Action {

    public function addAction() {
        $requestData = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
        $orderForm = new OrderForm();

        if ($orderForm->isValid($requestData)) {
            $order = new ConcreteOrder($orderForm);

            $mapper = new ZendOrderMapper(new Zend_Db_Table(array('name' => 'order')));

    public function readAction() {
        //if we need to read an order by id
        $mapper = new ZendOrderMapper(new Zend_Db_Table(array('name' => 'order')));
        $order = new ConcreteOrder($mapper->findById($this->getRequest()->getParam('orderId')));


 * Order form can be used to perform validation and as a data provider
class OrderForm extends Zend_Form implements OrderImporter {

    public function init() {
        //TODO setup order input validators

    public function getId() {
        return $this->getElement('orderID')->getValue();

    public function getOrderNumber() {
        return $this->getElement('orderNo')->getValue();

    public function getTotal() {
        return $this->getElement('orderTotal')->getValue();


 * This mapper also serves as an importer and an exporter
 * but clients don't know that :)
class ZendOrderMapper implements OrderMapper, OrderImporter, OrderExporter {

     * @var Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    private $table;
    private $data;

    public function __construct(Zend_Db_Table_Abstract $table) {
        $this->table = $table;

    public function setData($id, $number, $total) {
        $this->data['idColumn'] = $id;
        $this->data['numberColumn'] = $number;
        $this->data['total'] = $total;

    public function delete() {
        return $this->table->delete(array('id' => $this->data['id']));

    public function insert() {
        return $this->table->insert($this->data);

    public function update() {
        return $this->table->update($this->data, array('id' => $this->data['id']));

    public function findById($id) {
        $this->data = $this->table->fetchRow(array('id' => $id));
        return $this;

    public function getId() {
        return $this->data['idColumn'];

    public function getOrderNumber() {
        return $this->data['numberColumn'];

    public function getTotal() {
        return $this->data['total'];

    public function getExporter() {
        return $this;


class ConcreteOrder implements Order {

    private $id;
    private $number;
    private $total;

    public function __construct(OrderImporter $importer) {
        //initialize this object
        $this->id = $importer->getId();
        $this->number = $importer->getOrderNumber();
        $this->total = $importer->getTotal();

    public function export(\OrderExporter $exporter) {
        $exporter->setData($this->id, $this->number, $this->total);

    public function save(\OrderMapper $mapper) {

        if ($this->id === null) {
            $this->id = $mapper->insert();
        } else {

于 2014-06-19T05:38:29.760 回答