I need to add a period after the chapter/table/figure number in each line in Table of Contents/LoT/LoF.

ie, right now it shows:

1   first
2   second

but I need it to show:

1.  first
2.  second

I know this can be done with the tocloft package, however, that package is conflicting with the latex style I'm using, with the error: \c@lotdepth is already defined. (The style is an old style for my university's thesis format, but it's slightly out of date, so I need to make some changes to get it right.

I also found that I can change thechapter/thetable/thefigure, so those contain periods. However, that then messes up my references and has the period in all of my references.


3 回答 3

\let \savenumberline \numberline
\def \numberline#1{\savenumberline{#1.}}
于 2010-03-12T08:51:34.703 回答

这可能是对类文件本身的一个非常微不足道的 hack。内容行格式在那里的某处定义。只需找到它并添加..

我对类文件的(有限!)经验是,即使是非常粗糙的类文件也具有可读的标识符,因此您无需了解 TeX 的所有令人讨厌的内部工作原理。

于 2010-03-11T17:17:54.317 回答

好的,所以我找到了答案。\addcontentslines{...} 是添加实际文本的内容,因为当有 50 个语句时很难遵循乳胶格式,所以我错过了它。在其中添加一个句点就可以了。

于 2010-03-11T17:35:45.350 回答