
I am loading a directory tree via lazyload and have the checkboxes with multi-hier activated.

Selection and deselection works fine, when i select a subfolder the parentfolder is automatically 'semi-selected', when i select/deselect a parent all the children get selected/deselected.


But once i reach a folder that has no further subfolders and i try to expand this folder (which then removes the + icon) and then select this folder, i can't deselect it anymore. At least not correctly. Upon deselection it becomes semi-selected (only visually, it is not marked as selected when polling the tree).

When i now select its parent, this child becomes selected, but when i deselect the parent the child stays selected.

Can anybody tell me whats going on here? Did i implement it wrong, or is this a bug?




1 回答 1


这可能是一个已知的错误:https ://github.com/mar10/fancytree/issues/250 在当前开发代码和即将发布的版本中修复

于 2014-06-16T17:31:09.543 回答