I created a hello world project on cordova 3.4.0 for android. Somehow my dialogs/notifications plugin does not work correctly. I added the plugin like this
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.dialogs
and added this line in my android manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
When I tested the plugin it worked really good with it's methods "alert", "prompt", "confirm" and "beep", but as soon as I want to call the vibrate method like I read in the Cordova API it crashes. Here is my code:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
}, false);
I run into this error message in the logcat:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'vibrate'
I logged out all methods of navigator.notification like this:
var res = [];
for(var m in navigator.notification) {
if(typeof navigator.notification[m] == "function") {
The Result: "alert,confirm,prompt,beep,activityStart,activityStop,progressStart,progressStop,progressValue"
Does anyone have an idea why there is no vibrate method in navigator.notification ?
I have got this entry in my res/config.xml:
<feature name="Notification">
<param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.dialogs.Notification" />