I have two lists of float numbers, and I want to calculate the set difference between them.
With numpy I originally wrote the following code:
aprows = allpoints.view([('',allpoints.dtype)]*allpoints.shape[1])
rprows = toberemovedpoints.view([('',toberemovedpoints.dtype)]*toberemovedpoints.shape[1])
diff = setdiff1d(aprows, rprows).view(allpoints.dtype).reshape(-1, 2)
This works well for things like integers. In case of 2d points with float coordinates that are the result of some geometrical calculations, there's a problem of finite precision and rounding errors causing the set difference to miss some equalities. For now I resorted to the much, much slower:
diff = []
for a in allpoints:
remove = False
for p in toberemovedpoints:
if norm(p-a) < 0.1:
remove = True
if not remove:
return array(diff)
But is there a way to write this with numpy and gain back the speed?
Note that I want the remaining points to still have their full precision, so first rounding the numbers and then do a set difference probably is not the way forward (or is it? :) )
Edited to add an solution based on scipy.KDTree that seems to work:
def remove_points_fast(allpoints, toberemovedpoints):
diff = []
removed = 0
# prepare a KDTree
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
tree = KDTree(toberemovedpoints, leafsize=allpoints.shape[0]+1)
for p in allpoints:
distance, ndx = tree.query([p], k=1)
if distance < 0.1:
removed += 1
return array(diff), removed