我目前正在学习 F#,并尝试了(一个非常)简单的 FizzBu​​zz 示例。


for x in 1..100 do 
    if x % 3 = 0 && x % 5 = 0 then printfn "FizzBuzz"  
    elif x % 3 = 0 then printfn "Fizz"
    elif x % 5 = 0 then printfn "Buzz"
    else printfn "%d" x

使用 F# 解决此问题的解决方案可能更优雅/简单/更好(解释原因)?

注意:FizzBu​​zz 问题正在遍历数字 1 到 100,每 3 的倍数打印 Fizz,每 5 的倍数打印 Buzz,每 3 和 5 的倍数打印 FizzBu​​zz。否则,将显示简单的数字。

谢谢 :)


11 回答 11




|> Seq.map (function
    | x when x%5=0 && x%3=0 -> "FizzBuzz"
    | x when x%3=0 -> "Fizz"
    | x when x%5=0 -> "Buzz"
    | x -> string x)
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")


[1..100]    // I am the list of numbers 1-100.  
            // F# has immutable singly-linked lists.
            // List literals use square brackets.

|>          // I am the pipeline operator.  
            // "x |> f" is just another way to write "f x".
            // It is a common idiom to "pipe" data through
            // a bunch of transformative functions.

   Seq.map  // "Seq" means "sequence", in F# such sequences
            // are just another name for IEnumerable<T>.
            // "map" is a function in the "Seq" module that
            // applies a function to every element of a 
            // sequence, returning a new sequence of results.

           (function    // The function keyword is one way to
                        // write a lambda, it means the same
                        // thing as "fun z -> match z with".
                        // "fun" starts a lambda.
                        // "match expr with" starts a pattern
                        // match, that then has |cases.

    | x when x%5=0 && x%3=0 
            // I'm a pattern.  The pattern is "x", which is 
            // just an identifier pattern that matches any
            // value and binds the name (x) to that value.
            // The "when" clause is a guard - the pattern
            // will only match if the guard predicate is true.

                            -> "FizzBuzz"
                // After each pattern is "-> expr" which is 
                // the thing evaluated if the pattern matches.
                // If this pattern matches, we return that 
                // string literal "FizzBuzz".

    | x when x%3=0 -> "Fizz"
            // Patterns are evaluated in order, just like
            // if...elif...elif...else, which is why we did 
            // the 'divisble-by-both' check first.

    | x when x%5=0 -> "Buzz"
    | x -> string x)
            // "string" is a function that converts its argument
            // to a string.  F# is statically-typed, so all the 
            // patterns have to evaluate to the same type, so the
            // return value of the map call can be e.g. an
            // IEnumerable<string> (aka seq<string>).

|>          // Another pipeline; pipe the prior sequence into...

   Seq.iter // iter applies a function to every element of a 
            // sequence, but the function should return "unit"
            // (like "void"), and iter itself returns unit.
            // Whereas sequences are lazy, "iter" will "force"
            // the sequence since it needs to apply the function
            // to each element only for its effects.

            (printfn "%s")
            // F# has type-safe printing; printfn "%s" expr
            // requires expr to have type string.  Usual kind of
            // %d for integers, etc.  Here we have partially 
            // applied printfn, it's a function still expecting 
            // the string, so this is a one-argument function 
            // that is appropriate to hand to iter.  Hurrah!
于 2010-03-11T05:20:43.890 回答


下面定义了一个活动模式,我们稍后可以在match 表达式中使用它来测试一个值i是否可以被一个值整除divisor。当我们写:

match 9 with
| DivisibleBy 3 -> ...

...这意味着值 '9' 将传递给以下函数 asi并且值3将传递为divisor。该名称(|DivisibleBy|_|)是一种特殊的语法,意味着我们正在声明一个活动模式(并且名称可以出现在 match的左侧->。该|_|位意味着该模式可能会失败(当值不能被 整除时,我们的示例失败divisor

let (|DivisibleBy|_|) divisor i = 

  // If the value is divisible, then we return 'Some()' which
  // represents that the active pattern succeeds - the '()' notation
  // means that we don't return any value from the pattern (if we
  // returned for example 'Some(i/divisor)' the use would be:
  //     match 6 with 
  //     | DivisibleBy 3 res -> .. (res would be asigned value 2)
  // None means that pattern failed and that the next clause should 
  // be tried (by the match expression)
  if i % divisor = 0 then Some () else None 


for i in 1..100 do
  match i with
  // & allows us to run more than one pattern on the argument 'i'
  // so this calls 'DivisibleBy 3 i' and 'DivisibleBy 5 i' and it
  // succeeds (and runs the body) only if both of them return 'Some()'
  | DivisibleBy 3 & DivisibleBy 5 -> printfn "FizzBuzz"
  | DivisibleBy 3 -> printfn "Fizz" 
  | DivisibleBy 5 -> printfn "Buzz" 
  | _ -> printfn "%d" i

有关 F# 活动模式的更多信息,请参阅MSDN 文档链接。我认为如果您删除所有注释,代码会比原始版本更具可读性。它显示了一些非常有用的技巧:-),但在你的情况下,任务相对容易......

于 2010-03-12T01:15:26.553 回答

还有一种 F# 风格的解决方案(即使用 Active Patterns):

let (|P3|_|) i = if i % 3 = 0 then Some i else None
let (|P5|_|) i = if i % 5 = 0 then Some i else None

let f = function
  | P3 _ & P5 _ -> printfn "FizzBuzz"
  | P3 _        -> printfn "Fizz"
  | P5 _        -> printfn "Buzz"
  | x           -> printfn "%d" x

Seq.iter f {1..100}
for i in 1..100 do f i
于 2010-03-11T14:23:14.827 回答

添加更多可能的答案 - 这是另一种没有模式匹配的方法。它使用了这样一个事实Fizz + Buzz = FizzBuzz,因此您实际上不需要测试所有三种情况,您只需要查看它是否可以被 3 整除(然后打印“Fizz”)并查看它是否可以被 5 整除(然后打印"Buzz") 最后,打印一个新行:

for i in 1..100 do
    for divisor, str in [ (3, "Fizz"); (5, "Buzz") ] do
        if i % divisor = 0 then printf "%s" str
    printfn ""

嵌套for循环在第一次迭代中分配 3 和“Fizz” ,divisor然后str在第二次迭代中分配第二对值。好处是,当值可被 7 整除时,您可以轻松添加“Jezz”的打印 :-) ...如果解决方案的可扩展性是一个问题!

于 2010-03-12T01:26:39.990 回答


let fizzy num =     
   match num%3, num%5 with      
      | 0,0 -> "fizzbuzz"
      | 0,_ -> "fizz"
      | _,0 -> "buzz"
      | _,_ -> num.ToString()

  |> List.map fizzy
  |> List.iter (fun (s:string) -> printfn "%s" s)
于 2014-04-13T14:49:28.850 回答


let FizzBuzz n =
    match n%3,n%5 with
    | 0,0 -> "FizzBuzz"
    | 0,_ -> "Fizz"
    | _,0 -> "Buzz"
    | _,_ -> string n

|> Seq.map (fun n -> FizzBuzz n)
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
于 2014-05-11T21:13:30.033 回答


//initialize array a with values from 1 to 100
let a = Array.init 100 (fun x -> x + 1)

//iterate over array and match *indexes* x
Array.iter (fun x ->
    match x with
        | _ when x % 15 = 0 -> printfn "FizzBuzz"
        | _ when x % 5 = 0 -> printfn "Buzz"
        | _ when x % 3 = 0 -> printfn "Fizz"
        | _ -> printfn "%d" x
) a

这是我在 F# 中的第一个程序。

这并不完美,但我认为开始学习 F# 的人(比如我 :))可以很快弄清楚这里发生了什么。


于 2010-09-15T19:37:17.030 回答

我找不到不包括测试i % 15 = 0的有效解决方案。我一直觉得不测试是这个“愚蠢”任务的一部分。请注意,这可能不是惯用的 F#,因为它是我使用该语言的第一个程序。

for n in 1..100 do 
  let s = seq { 
    if n % 3 = 0 then yield "Fizz"
    if n % 5 = 0 then yield "Buzz" } 
  if Seq.isEmpty s then printf "%d"n
  printfn "%s"(s |> String.concat "")
于 2013-11-27T21:09:24.750 回答


let carbonations = [(3, "Spizz") ; (5, "Fuzz"); (15, "SpizzFuzz");
                    (30, "DIZZZZZZZZ"); (18, "WHIIIIII")]

let revCarbonated = carbonations |> List.sort |> List.rev

let carbonRoute someCarbonations findMe =
    match(List.tryFind (fun (x,_) -> findMe % x = 0) someCarbonations) with
        | Some x -> printfn "%d - %s" findMe (snd x)
        | None -> printfn "%d" findMe

let composeCarbonRoute = carbonRoute revCarbonated

[1..100] |> List.iter composeCarbonRoute
于 2013-09-02T22:17:58.103 回答


open System
let ar = [| "Fizz"; "Buzz"; |]
[1..100] |> List.map (fun i ->
    match i % 3 = 0, i % 5 = 0 with
        | true, false ->  ar.[0]
        | false, true ->  ar.[1] 
        | true, true ->  ar |> String.Concat
        | _ -> string i
    |> printf "%s\n"
|> ignore
于 2016-02-03T22:10:29.060 回答


let DivisibleBy x y = y % x = 0
[ 1 .. 100 ]
|> List.map (function
    | x when DivisibleBy (3 * 5) x -> "fizzbuzz"
    | x when DivisibleBy 3 x -> "fizz"
    | x when DivisibleBy 5 x -> "buzz"
    | x -> string x)
|> List.iter (fun x -> printfn "%s" x)


于 2020-04-01T09:27:20.143 回答