I want to know how to bypass protected mode in Windows 8.1, so that my C programs can access the memory of other applications and change their values...I know it can be done because I used to use memory editors to hack games; I just want to build one myself. Below is just a basic program that I threw together just to see if I could write a program that could simulate such an action. It works; of course the problem is that because of protected mode it will crash if I try to access memory outside the scope of the program.
/* Allows the user to view regions of computer memory */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
unsigned int addr;
int integer;
float flt;
void print_addr();
void edit_addr(void);
int main(void)
integer = 100;
flt = 5.6;
char ch;
printf("Address of main function: %x\n", (unsigned int) main);
printf("Address of addr variable: %x\n", (unsigned int) &addr);
do {
printf("Address of integer variable: %x\n", (unsigned int) &integer);
printf("Address of flt variable: %x\n", (unsigned int) &flt);
printf("Value of (int)integer variable: %d\n", integer);
printf("Value of (float)flt variable: %.2f\n\n", flt);
printf(" ----------------------------------------\n");
printf("| 1 - Edit Address |\n");
printf("| 2 - Print Memory |\n");
printf(" ----------------------------------------\n");
printf("\tEnter choice: ");
scanf(" %c", &ch);
switch(ch) {
case '1': edit_addr(); break;
case '2': print_addr(); break;
default: printf("You entered an invalid menu item\n");
printf("\nWould you like to continue? ");
scanf(" %c", &ch);
} while (toupper(ch) != 'N');
return 0;
void print_addr(void)
int i, n;
BYTE *ptr;
printf("\nEnter a (hex) address: ");
scanf("%x", &addr);
printf("Enter number of bytes to view: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf(" Address Bytes Characters\n");
printf(" ------- ----------------------------- ----------\n");
ptr = (BYTE *) addr;
for (; n > 0; n -= 10) {
printf("%8X ", (unsigned int) ptr);
for (i = 0; i < 10 && i < n; i++)
printf("%.2X ", *(ptr + i));
for (; i < 10; i++)
printf(" ");
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < 10 && i < n; i++) {
BYTE ch = *(ptr + i);
if (!isprint(ch))
ch = '.';
printf("%c", ch);
ptr += 10;
void edit_addr(void)
int n, int_value, *int_ptr;
float flt_value, *flt_ptr;
printf("\n ----------------------------------------\n");
printf("| 1 - Integer |\n");
printf("| 2 - Float |\n");
printf(" ----------------------------------------\n");
do {
printf("\tEnter choice: ");
scanf(" %d", &n);
} while (n != 1 && n != 2);
printf("\nEnter a (hex) address: ");
scanf("%x", &addr);
printf("Enter the value: ");
switch(n) {
case 1:
int_ptr = (int *) addr;
scanf("%d", &int_value);
*int_ptr = int_value;
case 2:
flt_ptr = (float *) addr;
scanf("%f", &flt_value);
*flt_ptr = flt_value;