我有一个巨大的、巨大的、巨大的数据结构,其格式与 Data::Dumper 的格式完全相同(尽管为了解释问题而进行了极大的简化)。

  Fred => {
            "Street Name" => ["First Avenue"],
            "animal" => ["lion", "snake", "spider", "monkey"],
  Dave => {
            "Street Name" => ["Church Street"],
            "animal" => ["dog", "cat", "pig", "elephant"],



   foreach my $key ( keys %hashStructure ) {
          print "$key";
          foreach my $key2 ...

2 回答 2



  Fred => {
            "Street Name" => ["First Avenue"],
            "animal" => ["lion", "snake", "spider", "monkey"],
  Dave => {
            "Street Name" => ["Church Street"],
            "animal" => ["dog", "cat", "pig", "elephant"],


外层代表我将调用的散列%person_hash。您的哈希中有两个键:FredDave. 这两个散列值中的每一个都指向(参考)其他散列值。那是$person_hash{Dave}一个哈希引用$person_hash{Fred}是一个哈希引用


%attribute_hash = %{ $person_hash{Dave} };

现在,我们有一个名为%attribute_hash. 这%attribute_hash包含 Fred 和 Dave 的属性。在您的示例中,每个%attribute_hash散列中有两个元素(请记住:Dave 一个,Fred 一个)。这些%attribute_hash哈希中的两个键控元素包含“街道地址”和“动物”。

要访问列表,我可以使用取消引用语法:@values = @{ $attribute_hash{$attribute} }.


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);

my %person_hash = (
    Fred => {
        "Street Name" => [ "First Avenue" ],
        animal => [ "lion", "snake", "spider", "monkey" ],
    Dave => {
        "Street name" => [ "Church Street" ],
            animal =>  [ "dog", "cat", "pig", "elephant" ],

# The first level contains the keys `Dave` and `Fred`
for my $person ( keys %person_hash ) {
    say "The person is $person";

    # The keys will be for "Dave" and "Fred", and will be the value
    # of $person. This is a hash reference, so let's dereference it.
    my %attribute_hash = %{ $person_hash{$person} };

    # We have a hash of attributes beloning to that person. The
    # attributes will be "Street Name" and "animal"
    for my $attribute ( keys %attribute_hash ) {
        say "    ${person}'s attribute is '$attribute'";

        # Each "attribute" points to a list. Let's get the list
        my @value_list = @{ $attribute_hash{$attribute} };

        # Now we can go through that list:
        for my $value ( @value_list ) {
            say "        ${person}'s attribute '$attribute' has a value of $value";


The person is Dave
    Dave's attribute is 'Street name'
        Dave's attribute 'Street name' has a value of Church Street
    Dave's attribute is 'animal'
        Dave's attribute 'animal' has a value of dog
        Dave's attribute 'animal' has a value of cat
        Dave's attribute 'animal' has a value of pig
        Dave's attribute 'animal' has a value of elephant
The person is Fred
    Fred's attribute is 'Street Name'
        Fred's attribute 'Street Name' has a value of First Avenue
    Fred's attribute is 'animal'
        Fred's attribute 'animal' has a value of lion
        Fred's attribute 'animal' has a value of snake
        Fred's attribute 'animal' has a value of spider
        Fred's attribute 'animal' has a value of monkey


say "Fred's first animal in his list is " . $person_hash{Fred}->{animal}->[0];


say "Fred's animals are " . join ", ", @{ $person_hash->{Fred}->{animal} };


于 2014-06-13T19:25:25.627 回答

您只需要考虑每个级别的数据是什么。使用 Person 类封装这些似乎是关于一个人的数据可能是值得的,这将大大简化您打印出这些值的代码。


use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash =  (
   'Fred' => {
      'Street Name' => ['First Avenue'],
      'animal'      => ['lion','snake','spider','monkey',]
   'Dave' => {
      'Street Name' => ['Church Street'],
      'animal' => ['dog','cat','pig','elephant',]

foreach my $namekey ( keys %hash ) {
   print "Name: $namekey\n";
   foreach my $key ( keys %{$hash{$namekey}} ) {
      print "$key: " .
         join(',', @{$hash{$namekey}{$key}}) . "\n";

__END__ # outputName: Dave
animal: dog,cat,pig,elephant
Street Name: Church Street
Name: Fred
Street Name: First Avenue
animal: lion,snake,spider,monkey


package Person; 

sub new {
   my ($class, %args) = @_; 

   bless \%args, $class;

sub name {
   my $self = shift;

   return $self->{name};

sub street_name {
   my $self = shift;

   return $self->{'Street Name'};

sub animal {
   my $self = shift; 

   return $self->{animal};

sub as_string {
   my $self = shift;

   return join("\n", 
      join(',', @{$self->street_name}),
      join(',', @{$self->animal})


my $fred = Person->new(
   name          => 'Fred',
   'Street Name' => ['First Avenue'],
   animal        => ['lion','snake','spider','monkey',]
print $fred->as_string . "\n";

__END__ # output
First Avenue
于 2014-06-13T14:50:07.920 回答