我有一个在我们的 MS SQL Server 2000 数据库服务器上运行的 DTS 包,并且需要一种方法让用户从他们自己的机器上执行它。(该包创建的文件然后由我的应用程序传输到客户端计算机。)我在应用程序中包含了“Microsoft DTSPackage 对象库”COM 引用,但在执行的第一步时仍然出现“无效的类字符串”错误包被执行。我还尝试注册 SQL Server 2000 光盘的 redist.txt 文件中指定的所有 DLL。任何想法或建议将不胜感激。DTS 包非常简单。它只是将数据从 SQL 数据库复制到 Visual FoxPro 表中。我的执行包的代码如下(大部分来自微软的知识库文章: http: //support.microsoft。)。
Dim pkg As DTS.Package
pkg = New DTS.Package
Dim cpContainer As System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer
cpContainer = CType(pkg, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer)
Dim cpPoint As System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint
Dim PES As PackageEventsSink = New PackageEventsSink
Dim guid As Guid = New Guid("10020605-EB1C-11CF-AE6E-00AA004A34D5")
cpPoint = Nothing
cpContainer.FindConnectionPoint(guid, cpPoint)
Dim intCookie As Integer
cpPoint.Advise(PES, intCookie)
pkg.LoadFromSQLServer(DTS_SERVER_NAME, , , DTSSQLServerStorageFlags.DTSSQLStgFlag_UseTrustedConnection, dtsPassword, , , dtsName, Nothing)
If pkg Is Nothing Then Throw New ApplicationException("The DTS Package could not be loaded from the SQL Server.")
Dim pkgStep As DTS.Step
For Each pkgStep In pkg.Steps
pkg = Nothing
cpPoint = Nothing
cpContainer = Nothing
PES = Nothing