每当我输入 65 岁或以下的年龄时,我会得到一个小于 2,100,000 的数字。但是,当我输入 68 岁或更高的年龄时,结果会立即变为 18,446,744,071,590,568,320,这是 uint64_t 的最大值。我不知道为什么结果会出现这种跳跃。它一直运行良好,直到大约 2,100,000。
// How many seconds have I lived?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;
string addCommas(uint64_t answer);
int main ()
int seconds = 60, minutes = 60, hours = 24, days = 365;
int years; uint64_t secondsLived, secondsAwake;
printf("How many years have you lived? ");
secondsLived = seconds*minutes*hours*days*years;
secondsAwake = (float)secondsLived*0.666;
printf("\nYou have existed for %s seconds\n",addCommas(secondsLived).c_str());
printf("You have been awake for %s seconds\n",addCommas(secondsAwake).c_str());
string addCommas(uint64_t answer){
string num = to_string(answer);
int insertplace = (int)num.length() - 3;
while (insertplace > 0) {
num.insert(insertplace, ",");
return num;
How many years have you lived? 67
You have existed for 2,112,912,000 seconds
You have been awake for 1,407,199,392 seconds
How many years have you lived? 69
You have existed for 18,446,744,071,590,568,320 seconds
You have been awake for 12,285,531,553,090,562,048 seconds