I am attempting to write and read Uids from Accumulo Value (key,Value) into Uid.List using protobuf. Specifically: org.apache.accumulo.examples.wikisearch.protobuf.Uid;import org.apache.accumulo.examples.wikisearch.protobuf.Uid.List.Builder
I use the following code to write Uid.List where I declare UidListCount as #of uids in List Cseq:
Builder uidBuilder = Uid.List.newBuilder();
for String entry : seq){
Uid.List uidList = uidBuilder.build();
Value newAccumuloValue = new Value(uidList.toByteArray());
This seems to work fine.
When I Try to read the Uid.List out of accumulo value,where value is a protobuf Uid.List, its a no-go:
byte[] byteVal = value.getBytes; //retrieving Accumulo Value containing Uid.List
Uid.List uids= Uid.List.parseFrom(byteVal);
while (counter <= counter){
String uidStr = uids.getUID(counter).toString();
I keep getting "tag errors"
I would really like to understand how to read out what goes in.