我需要一个调度程序,我想拥有 DHTMLX Timeline 调度程序。我发现这正是我想要的。但问题是我无法从数据库中加载资源。当我对资源进行硬编码时,它工作正常..


function init() {

            scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab = "Timeline";
            scheduler.locale.labels.section_custom = "Section";
            scheduler.config.details_on_create = true;
            scheduler.config.details_on_dblclick = true;
            scheduler.config.xml_date = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";

            var sections = [
                {key:1, label:"James Smith"},
                {key:2, label:"John Williams"},
                {key:3, label:"David Miller"},
                {key:4, label:"Linda Brown"}

            var durations = {
                day: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
                hour: 60 * 60 * 1000,
                minute: 60 * 1000

            var get_formatted_duration = function(start, end) {
                var diff = end - start;

                var days = Math.floor(diff / durations.day);
                diff -= days * durations.day;
                var hours = Math.floor(diff / durations.hour);
                diff -= hours * durations.hour;
                var minutes = Math.floor(diff / durations.minute);

                var results = [];
                if (days) results.push(days + " days");
                if (hours) results.push(hours + " hours");
                if (minutes) results.push(minutes + " minutes");
                return results.join(", ");

            var resize_date_format = scheduler.date.date_to_str(scheduler.config.hour_date);

            scheduler.templates.event_bar_text = function(start, end, event) {
                var state = scheduler.getState();
                if (state.drag_id == event.id) {
                    return resize_date_format(start) + " - " + resize_date_format(end) + " (" + get_formatted_duration(start, end) + ")";
                return event.text; // default

                name:   "timeline",
                x_unit: "minute",
                x_date: "%H:%i",
                x_step: 30,
                x_size: 48,
                x_start: 0,
                x_length:   48,
                y_unit: sections,
                y_property: "section_id",
                event_dy: "full"

            //Data loading
            scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [
                {name:"description", height:130, map_to:"text", type:"textarea" , focus:true},
                {name:"custom", height:23, type:"select", options:sections, map_to:"section_id" },
                {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"}

            scheduler.init('scheduler_here', new Date(2009, 5, 30), "timeline");
                { start_date: "2009-06-30 09:00", end_date: "2009-06-30 12:00", text:"Task A-12458", section_id:1},

                { start_date: "2009-06-30 12:00", end_date: "2009-06-30 20:00", text:"Task B-48865", section_id:2},
                { start_date: "2009-06-30 14:00", end_date: "2009-06-30 16:00", text:"Task B-44864", section_id:2},

                { start_date: "2009-06-30 08:00", end_date: "2009-06-30 12:00", text:"Task C-32421", section_id:3},
                { start_date: "2009-06-30 14:30", end_date: "2009-06-30 16:45", text:"Task C-14244", section_id:3},

                { start_date: "2009-06-30 12:00", end_date: "2009-06-30 18:00", text:"Task D-12458", section_id:4}
            ], "json");


但是当我像var sections = 'resources-feed.php'调度程序不工作一样给它时..


[{key:1, label:"James Smith"},{key:2, label:"John Williams"},{key:3, label:"David Miller"}]


 try {
        $db_host = 'localhost';  //  hostname
        $db_name = 'scheduler';  //  databasename
        $db_user = 'root';  //  username
        $user_pw = '';  //  password
        // Establish new connection with database
        $connection = new PDO('mysql:host='.$db_host.'; dbname='.$db_name, $db_user, $user_pw);

        // Prepare and Execute query
        $query = "SELECT * FROM rooms";
        $sth = $connection->prepare($query);

        // Returning array
        $return_array = array();
        // Event array

        // Get the result
        while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            // Create a new array for the event
            $event_array = array();
            // Add data from database to the event array
            $event_array['key'] = $row["ResourceDescription"];
            $event_array['label'] = $row["ResourceName"];

            // Merge the event array into the return array
            array_push($return_array, $event_array);
        // Output the json feed as we need it to render the calendar
        echo json_encode($return_array);

    } catch (PDOException $e){
        // Output PDO error message
        echo $e->getMessage();



2 回答 2


you can load resources via AJAX using dhtmlxAjax (built-in in the scheduler core). So, you can define:

  y_unit: scheduler.serverList("sections"),


dhtmlxAjax.get("resources-feed.php", function(resp){
    var sections = JSON.parse(resp.xmlDoc.responseText);
    scheduler.updateCollection("sections", sections);
于 2014-06-16T14:31:41.420 回答

其实很简单。Dhtmlx 带有一个数据处理器,用于轻松地从数据库加载和保存数据。

您需要做的就是添加数据处理器的 Javascript 文件及其依赖项。并在初始化调度程序后对其进行初始化。

有关示例,请参见此处的步骤 6-9。http://docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/how_to_start.html


于 2014-06-14T08:21:17.107 回答