I try to run the mimetex.cgi on a jetty 9.1.2. I never use a .cgi file and haven't any knowledge on this topic.

Now just mv mimetex.cgi to your cgi-bin/ directory, set permissions as necessary, and you're all done. (John Forkosh)

I don't know where I can't find the cgi-bin/ directory in the jetty folder structure. But I found the hint to modify the jetty.xml like this:

<Call name="addContext">
  <Set name="ResourceBase">/home/jules/www/cgi-bin</Set>
  <Set name="ServingDynamicServlets">TRUE</Set>
  <Call name="addServlet">
    <Arg>Common Gateway Interface</Arg>
    <Put name="Path">/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin</Put>

But I don't know which values I should set in Path and ResourceBase exactly. Sorry for my cluelessness, maybe anyone can help with a simple example.

Regards, Phil


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