我想用从 web 服务返回的复杂 json 填充网格。我的 json 包含两件事:

  • 数据:包含将填充网格的记录的数组
  • 列:具有网格配置(布局)的数组


我的问题是我如何从数据源中获取“列”(来自 JSON),这样我就可以在我的 gridOptions 中设置网格属性。有没有办法做到这一点?

这是我的 JSON

  "data": [
      "id": 0,
      "firstname": "Dalton",
      "lastname": "Holden",
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "daltonholden@tellifly.com",
      "phone": "871-407-2973",
      "address": "22 National Drive, Brenton, Louisiana",
      "birthday": "21/04/1965",
      "currency": "GBP"
      "id": 1,
      "firstname": "Allyson",
      "lastname": "Odom",
      "gender": "female",
      "email": "allysonodom@tellifly.com",
      "phone": "922-548-2725",
      "address": "44 Quincy Street, Thynedale, Georgia",
      "birthday": "28/08/1961",
      "currency": "CHF"
      "id": 2,
      "firstname": "Sweet",
      "lastname": "Branch",
      "gender": "male",
      "email": "sweetbranch@tellifly.com",
      "phone": "880-593-2244",
      "address": "81 Fenimore Street, Veguita, Missouri",
      "birthday": "08/08/1953",
      "currency": "AUD"

  "columns": [
      "field": "firstname",
      "title": "Frist Name",
      "width": 200,
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "field": "lastname",
      "title": "Last Name",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "field": "gender",
      "title": "Gender",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "field": "email",
      "title": "e-mail",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "field": "phone",
      "title": "Phone Number",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: right;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: right;"
      "field": "address",
      "title": "Address",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: left;"
      "field": "birthday",
      "title": "Birthday",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: center;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: center;"
      "field": "currency",
      "title": "Currency",
      "attributes": {
        "class": "",
        "style": "text-align: center;"
      "headerAttributes": {
        "class": "table-header-cell",
        "style": "text-align: center;"


var customersSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
        transport: {
            read: {
                url: "http://....",
                dataType: "json"
        schema: {
            data: "data"

$scope.mainGridOptions = {
        dataSource: customersSource,
        //columns: Here it should be something like --> customersSource.columns,
        height: 500,
        scrollable: true,
        selectable: true

1 回答 1


模式将只负责获取和解析 DataSource 所需的数据,以便创建视图、过滤器、排序等。

没有内置的方式来处理来自一个 Ajax 请求的“混合”内容。

不过,你做了一个解决方法。使用 requestEnd 事件,访问丢失的数据,并将其保存以备后用。

var customersSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
    transport: {
        read: {
            url: "http://....",
            dataType: "json"
    schema: {
        data: "data"
    requestEnd: function(e) {
        // According to the documentation, this gives you a reference to the datasource instance itself.
        this.whatever = e.response.columns;


$scope.mainGridOptions = {
    dataSource: customersSource,
    columns: customersSource.whatever,
    height: 500,
    scrollable: true,
    selectable: true
于 2014-06-12T09:28:33.543 回答