我正在尝试根据我在网上阅读的一些有用的文献来使用 Free monad 构建 AST。

我对在实践中使用这些类型的 AST 有一些疑问,我将其归结为以下示例。


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

data Command next
  = DisplayChar Char next
  | DisplayString String next
  | Repeat Int (Free Command ()) next
  | Done
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

我手动定义了 Free monad 样板:

displayChar :: Char -> Free Command ()
displayChar ch = liftF (DisplayChar ch ())

displayString :: String -> Free Command ()
displayString str = liftF (DisplayString str ())

repeat :: Int -> Free Command () -> Free Command ()
repeat times block = liftF (Repeat times block ())

done :: Free Command r
done = liftF Done


prog :: Free Command r
prog =
  do displayChar 'A'
     displayString "abc"

     repeat 5 $
       displayChar 'Z'

     displayChar '\n'


execute :: Free Command r -> IO ()
execute (Free (DisplayChar ch next)) = putChar ch >> execute next
execute (Free (DisplayString str next)) = putStr str >> execute next
execute (Free (Repeat n block next)) = forM_ [1 .. n] (\_ -> execute block) >> execute next
execute (Free Done) = return ()
execute (Pure r) = return ()

λ> execute prog

好的。这一切都很好,但现在我想了解我的 AST,并对其执行转换。像编译器中的优化一样思考。

这是一个简单的:如果一个Repeat块只包含DisplayChar命令,那么我想用适当的DisplayString. 换句话说,我想repeat 2 (displayChar 'A' >> displayChar 'B')displayString "ABAB".


optimize c@(Free (Repeat n block next)) =
  if all isJust charsToDisplay then
    let chars = catMaybes charsToDisplay
      displayString (concat $ replicate n chars) >> optimize next
    c >> optimize next
    charsToDisplay = project getDisplayChar block
optimize (Free (DisplayChar ch next)) = displayChar ch >> optimize next
optimize (Free (DisplayString str next)) = displayString str >> optimize next
optimize (Free Done) = done
optimize c@(Pure r) = c

getDisplayChar (Free (DisplayChar ch _)) = Just ch
getDisplayChar _ = Nothing

project :: (Free Command a -> Maybe u) -> Free Command a -> [Maybe u]
project f = maybes
    maybes (Pure a) = []
    maybes c@(Free cmd) =
      let build next = f c : maybes next
        case cmd of
          DisplayChar _ next -> build next
          DisplayString _ next -> build next
          Repeat _ _ next -> build next
          Done -> []

在 GHCI 中观察 AST 表明这可以正常工作,而且确实如此

λ> optimize $ repeat 3 (displayChar 'A' >> displayChar 'B')
Free (DisplayString "ABABAB" (Pure ()))

λ> execute . optimize $ prog
λ> execute prog

但我不开心。在我看来,这段代码是重复的。每次我想检查它时,我都必须定义如何遍历我的 AST,或者定义像我project这样的函数来让我了解它。当我想修改树时,我必须做同样的事情。

所以,我的问题是:这种方法是我唯一的选择吗?我可以在不处理大量嵌套的情况下对我的 AST 进行模式匹配吗?我可以以一致且通用的方式(可能是 Zippers、Traversable 或其他方式)遍历树吗?这里通常采用什么方法?


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}

module Main where

import Prelude hiding (repeat)

import Control.Monad.Free

import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust)

main :: IO ()
main = execute prog

prog :: Free Command r
prog =
  do displayChar 'A'
     displayString "abc"

     repeat 5 $
       displayChar 'Z'

     displayChar '\n'

optimize c@(Free (Repeat n block next)) =
  if all isJust charsToDisplay then
    let chars = catMaybes charsToDisplay
      displayString (concat $ replicate n chars) >> optimize next
    c >> optimize next
    charsToDisplay = project getDisplayChar block
optimize (Free (DisplayChar ch next)) = displayChar ch >> optimize next
optimize (Free (DisplayString str next)) = displayString str >> optimize next
optimize (Free Done) = done
optimize c@(Pure r) = c

getDisplayChar (Free (DisplayChar ch _)) = Just ch
getDisplayChar _ = Nothing

project :: (Free Command a -> Maybe u) -> Free Command a -> [Maybe u]
project f = maybes
    maybes (Pure a) = []
    maybes c@(Free cmd) =
      let build next = f c : maybes next
        case cmd of
          DisplayChar _ next -> build next
          DisplayString _ next -> build next
          Repeat _ _ next -> build next
          Done -> []

execute :: Free Command r -> IO ()
execute (Free (DisplayChar ch next)) = putChar ch >> execute next
execute (Free (DisplayString str next)) = putStr str >> execute next
execute (Free (Repeat n block next)) = forM_ [1 .. n] (\_ -> execute block) >> execute next
execute (Free Done) = return ()
execute (Pure r) = return ()

data Command next
  = DisplayChar Char next
  | DisplayString String next
  | Repeat Int (Free Command ()) next
  | Done
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

displayChar :: Char -> Free Command ()
displayChar ch = liftF (DisplayChar ch ())

displayString :: String -> Free Command ()
displayString str = liftF (DisplayString str ())

repeat :: Int -> Free Command () -> Free Command ()
repeat times block = liftF (Repeat times block ())

done :: Free Command r
done = liftF Done

4 回答 4


如果您的问题与样板有关,那么使用Free! 在每个级别上,您总是会遇到一个额外的构造函数。


import Data.Functor.Foldable 

data (:+:) f g a = L (f a) | R (g a) deriving (Functor, Eq, Ord, Show)

type instance Base (Free f a) = f :+: Const a 
instance (Functor f) => Foldable (Free f a) where 
  project (Free f) = L f 
  project (Pure a) = R (Const a)
instance Functor f => Unfoldable (Free f a) where 
  embed (L f) = Free f
  embed (R (Const a)) = Pure a 
instance Functor f => Unfoldable (Free f a) where 
  embed (L f) = Free f
  embed (R (Const a)) = Pure a 

如果您对此不熟悉(阅读文档),但基本上您需要知道的只是project获取一些数据,例如Free f a,然后将其“取消嵌套”一层,生成类似(f :+: Const a) (Free f a). 现在,您已经为常规函数(如fmapData.Foldable.foldMap等)提供了访问数据结构的权限,因为函子的参数是子树。


execute :: Free Command r -> IO ()
execute = cata go where 
  go (L (DisplayChar ch next)) = putChar ch >> next
  go (L (DisplayString str next)) = putStr str >> next
  go (L (Repeat n block next)) = forM_ [1 .. n] (const $ execute block) >> next
  go (L Done) = return ()
  go (R _) = return ()


reduce :: (Foldable t, Functor (Base t), Unfoldable t) => (t -> Maybe t) -> t -> t 
reduce rule x = let y = embed $ fmap (reduce rule) $ project x in 
  case rule y of 
    Nothing -> y
    Just y' -> y' 

简化规则只需简化 AST 的一层(即最顶层)。然后,如果简化可以应用于子结构,它也会在那里执行。请注意,上述reduce工作自下而上;您还可以进行自上而下的缩减:

reduceTD :: (Foldable t, Functor (Base t), Unfoldable t) => (t -> Maybe t) -> t -> t 
reduceTD rule x = embed $ fmap (reduceTD rule) $ project y
  where y = case rule x of 
              Nothing -> x 
              Just x' -> x' 


getChrs :: (Command :+: Const ()) (Maybe String) -> Maybe String 
getChrs (L (DisplayChar c n)) = liftA (c:) n
getChrs (L Done) = Just []
getChrs (R _) = Just []
getChrs _ = Nothing 

optimize (Free (Repeat n dc next)) = do 
  chrs <- cata getChrs dc
  return $ Free $ DisplayString (concat $ map (replicate n) chrs) next
optimize _ = Nothing

由于您定义数据类型的方式,您无法访问 的第二个论点Repeat,因此对于诸如 之类的事情repeat' 5 (repeat' 3 (displayChar 'Z')) >> done,内部repeat无法简化。如果这是您希望处理的情况,您可以更改数据类型并接受更多样板文件,或者编写异常:

reduceCmd rule (Free (Repeat n c r)) = 
let x = Free (Repeat n (reduceCmd rule c) (reduceCmd rule r)) in 
    case rule x of
      Nothing -> x
      Just x' -> x' 
reduceCmd rule x = embed $ fmap (reduceCmd rule) $ project x 


execute = iterM go where 
  go (DisplayChar ch next) = putChar ch >> next
  go (DisplayString str next) = putStr str >> next
  go (Repeat n block next) = forM_ [1 .. n] (const $ execute block) >> next
  go Done = return ()

getChrscan't access Pure,并且您的程序将是 form Free Command (),因此在应用它之前,您必须替换()Maybe String.

getChrs :: Command (Maybe String) -> Maybe String
getChrs (DisplayChar c n) = liftA (c:) n
getChrs (DisplayString s n) = liftA (s++) n 
getChrs Done = Just []
getChrs _ = Nothing 

optimize :: Free Command a -> Maybe (Free Command a)
optimize (Free (Repeat n dc next)) = do 
  chrs <- iter getChrs $ fmap (const $ Just []) dc
  return $ Free $ DisplayString (concat $ map (replicate n) chrs) next
optimize _ = Nothing

请注意,这reduce与以前几乎完全相同,除了两件事:projectembed分别替换为 和 上的模式Free匹配Free;你需要一个单独的案例Pure。这应该告诉FoldableUnfoldable概括“看起来像”的事物Free

  :: Functor f =>
     (Free f a -> Maybe (Free f a)) -> Free f a -> Free f a

reduce rule (Free x) = let y = Free $ fmap (reduce rule) $ x in 
  case rule y of 
    Nothing -> y
    Just y' -> y' 
reduce rule a@(Pure _) = case rule a of 
                           Nothing -> a
                           Just  b -> b 


于 2014-06-11T23:00:08.967 回答

这是我对syb的看法(如 Reddit 上所述):

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Main where

import Prelude hiding (repeat)

import Data.Data

import Control.Monad (forM_)

import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Free.TH

import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)

data CommandF next = DisplayChar Char next
                   | DisplayString String next
                   | Repeat Int (Free CommandF ()) next
                   | Done
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Data, Typeable)

makeFree ''CommandF

type Command = Free CommandF

execute :: Command () -> IO ()
execute = iterM handle
    handle = \case
        DisplayChar ch next -> putChar ch >> next
        DisplayString str next -> putStr str >> next
        Repeat n block next -> forM_ [1 .. n] (\_ -> execute block) >> next
        Done -> return ()

optimize :: Command () -> Command ()
optimize = optimize' . optimize'
    optimize' = everywhere (mkT inner)

    inner :: Command () -> Command ()
    -- char + char becomes string
    inner (Free (DisplayChar c1 (Free (DisplayChar c2 next)))) = do
        displayString [c1, c2]

    -- char + string becomes string
    inner (Free (DisplayChar c (Free (DisplayString s next)))) = do
        displayString $ c : s

    -- string + string becomes string
    inner (Free (DisplayString s1 (Free (DisplayString s2 next)))) = do
        displayString $ s1 ++ s2

    -- Loop unrolling
    inner f@(Free (Repeat n block next)) | n < 5 = forM_ [1 .. n] (\_ -> block) >> next
                                         | otherwise = f

    inner a = a

prog :: Command ()
prog = do
    displayChar 'a'
    displayChar 'b'
    repeat 1 $ displayChar 'c' >> displayString "def"
    displayChar 'g'
    displayChar 'h'
    repeat 10 $ do
        displayChar 'i'
        displayChar 'j'
        displayString "klm"
    repeat 3 $ displayChar 'n'

main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "Original program:"
    print prog
    putStrLn "Evaluation of original program:"
    execute prog
    putStrLn "\n"

    let opt = optimize prog
    putStrLn "Optimized program:"
    print opt
    putStrLn "Evaluation of optimized program:"
    execute opt
    putStrLn ""


$ cabal exec runhaskell ast.hs
Original program:
Free (DisplayChar 'a' (Free (DisplayChar 'b' (Free (Repeat 1 (Free (DisplayChar 'c' (Free (DisplayString "def" (Pure ()))))) (Free (DisplayChar 'g' (Free (DisplayChar 'h' (Free (Repeat 10 (Free (DisplayChar 'i' (Free (DisplayChar 'j' (Free (DisplayString "klm" (Pure ()))))))) (Free (Repeat 3 (Free (DisplayChar 'n' (Pure ()))) (Pure ()))))))))))))))
Evaluation of original program:

Optimized program:
Free (DisplayString "abcdefgh" (Free (Repeat 10 (Free (DisplayString "ijklm" (Pure ()))) (Free (DisplayString "nnn" (Pure ()))))))
Evaluation of optimized program:

使用 GHC 7.8 Pattern Synonyms可能会摆脱 *Free*s ,但由于某种原因,上述代码仅适用于 GHC 7.6,似乎缺少Free的Data实例。应该调查那个...

于 2014-06-12T00:32:40.183 回答

在您使用Free. 您的execute,optimizeproject只是标准的免费 monad 递归方案,它们已经在包中可用:

optimize :: Free Command a -> Free Command a
optimize = iterM $ \f -> case f of
  c@(Repeat n block next) ->
    let charsToDisplay = project getDisplayChar block in
    if all isJust charsToDisplay then
      let chars = catMaybes charsToDisplay in
      displayString (concat $ replicate n chars) >> next
      liftF c >> next
  DisplayChar ch next -> displayChar ch >> next
  DisplayString str next -> displayString str >> next
  Done -> done

getDisplayChar :: Command t -> Maybe Char
getDisplayChar (DisplayChar ch _) = Just ch
getDisplayChar _ = Nothing

project' :: (Command [u] -> u) -> Free Command [u] -> [u]
project' f = iter $ \c -> f c : case c of
  DisplayChar _ next -> next
  DisplayString _ next -> next
  Repeat _ _ next -> next
  Done -> []

project :: (Command [u] -> u) -> Free Command a -> [u]
project f = project' f . fmap (const [])

execute :: Free Command () -> IO ()
execute = iterM $ \f -> case f of
  DisplayChar ch next -> putChar ch >> next
  DisplayString str next -> putStr str >> next
  Repeat n block next -> forM_ [1 .. n] (\_ -> execute block) >> next
  Done -> return ()

由于您的组件每个都最多有一个延续,您可能也可以找到一种巧妙的方法来摆脱所有这些>> next

于 2014-06-12T08:57:02.267 回答


optimize (Free (Repeat n block next)) = optimize (replicateM n block >> next)
optimize (Free (DisplayChar ch1 (Free (DisplayChar ch2 next)))) = optimize (displayString [ch1, ch2] >> next)
optimize (Free (DisplayChar ch (Free (DisplayString str next)))) = optimize (displayString (ch:str) >> next)
optimize (Free (DisplayString s1 (Free (DisplayString s2 next)))) = optimize (displayString (s1 ++ s2) >> next)
optimize (Free (DisplayString s (Free (DisplayChar ch next)))) = optimize (displayString (s ++ [ch]) >> next)
optimize (Free (DisplayChar   ch next)) = displayChar ch >> optimize next
optimize (Free (DisplayString str next)) = displayString str >> optimize next
optimize (Free Done) = done
optimize c@(Pure r) = c

我所做的只是在repeat n (displayChar c), displayChar c1 >> displayChar c2, displayChar c >> displayString s,displayString s >> displayChar c和上进行模式匹配displayString s1 >> displayString s2。还可以进行其他优化,但这很容易,并且不依赖于扫描其他任何内容,只需迭代地遍历 AST 递归优化。

于 2014-06-11T22:11:17.693 回答