I am trying to make a chart in R that has a U box around the figure (lines on the bottom, left, and right but nothing up top). For some reason, I always end up with a complete box. Sample code:
par(fig = c(.1,.9,.1,.9), plt = c(.1,.5,.1,.9), bty = "u")
par(fig = c(.1,.9,.1,.9), plt = c(.5,.9,.1,.9), bty = "u", new =TRUE)
box("figure", bty = "u")
The result has the plot properly taking up half the figure and a box around the whole figure, however the box has all four sides.
Any idea what is happening?
Edit for clarification: Sorry if this wasn't clear, but I'm not worried about putting a box around the one plot. I will eventually have two plots next to each other and I would like one U box surrounding them both. I have also edited the example code.